公益社団法人 日本表面真空学会


[ml_024] JVC2018-abstract submission DEADLINE EXTENDED


速報発信者;福谷 克之(東京大学生産技術研究所,日本表面真空学会国際事業委員会)


Dear Colleague,

on behalf of the*17^th Joint Vacuum Conference*(JVC2018, and joint conferences committees, we would like to thank all the researchers who already submitted their abstracts.

Due to multiple requests for an extension, it is our pleasure to announce that abstracts submission for both oral and poster contributions is still open until *June 11, 2018*, so don't miss your chance to join the program! In fairness to all potential authors, abstracts recieved after this deadline will be considered only  for poster presenation.

Thank you for your continued interest in participating at the Joint Vacuum Conference that will be held in UNESCO world heritage city Olomouc!

Detail informations can be found at:

*Karel Mašek*
Chairman of the JVC 2018 conference

*Iva Jungwirthová*
Vice-chairman of the JVC 2018 conference

*Jiří Drbohlav*
Conference secretary

日本表面真空学会 事務局
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