For conference organizers: Inquiry Form for publishing proceeding papers for international conferences and symposium is now available.
If you are interested, please fill out the Inquiry Form and send it to E-JSSNT Editorial Office:
Preprint Policy and Repository Policy, which set forth the rules for submission of manuscripts published on preprint servers and for publication in repositories of articles that have been accepted for publication, are now available.
From 2022, e-JSSNT adopts a quarterly publication cycle. Four issues are published at the ends of March, June, September, and December. The journal also adopts an Advance Publication system, in which papers will soon appear online after their acceptance. Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are given to all advance published papers so that they can be cited using the DOIs.
Jan. 29, 2022
Aims and Scope of e-JSSNT is renewed. Please see our new aims and scope.
A new policy is imposed for contributions to Conference Proceedings published in e-JSSNT. The authors who submit a manuscript for Conference Proceedings can select the type of the paper among “Review Paper”, “Regular Paper”, “Technical Note”, and “Proceeding Paper”. The papers of the first three types are regarded as original papers, whereas Proceeding Paper is equivalent to the conventional proceeding paper. Please see Paper Category for more details.
Jul. 16, 2021
Dr Kenichi Ozawa and Dr Ikutaro Hamada were appointed as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. on July 1. For more details, please see the Editorial Board.
Feb. 3, 2020
For authors living outside of Japan, an invoice for the article processing charge (APC) will be sent in US dollars (USD) instead of Japanese yen (JPY). It should be noted that the sender also burdens a commission charge of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (USD 14 for each) in addition to the APC. For more details, please see the price list.
May 24, 2019
Article templates (Microsoft Word files) are renewed. The new templates are much easier to prepare manuscripts. It's authors' choice to use a two-column style or a single-column style. Please download the template from the Submission page.
Mar. 14, 2019
∼ A message from Iwao Matsuda, Editor-in-chief of eJSSNT. ∼
There is an increasing demand that research papers are accessible free of charge. To make a paper open access, many commercial and noncommercial journals require authors to pay an article processing charge (APC), which is typically between 150,000 yen and 700,000 yen. Our eJSSNT was launched in 2003 as an electronic open access journal with a reasonable APC (10,000 yen) using J-STAGE as a publication platform. For the last 15 years, 1,280 articles have been published and 620,000 downloads are recorded. By these achievements, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) features our activity, and my interview article was published in J-STAGE NEWS No. 40 (the interview article was written in Japanese).
Our journal is suitable to publicize outputs of your steady researches as well as your brand-new research results that the community is not yet ready to accept. I persuade you to use eJSSNT as a platform to disclose your challenging ideas and inspiration, which may catch Nobel Committee!
Jan. 1, 2019
We are pleased to announce that a design of journal's papers is renewed from Vol. 17, 2019. Please examine the new design by downloading a Microsoft Word template file.
Nov. 28, 2018
Our copyright transfer policy will be revised on Jan. 1, 2019.
All articles published on e-JSSNT are now treated under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). From Jan. 1, 2019, we strictly apply the rule of CC BY 4.0. Namely, we don't ask authors to transfer the copyright of articles. Furthermore, as a copyright holder for the articles published so far, the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science waives all right reserved.
If you have any feedback on this, please send your opinion by Dec. 31, 2018. E-mail address;
Sep. 15, 2018
On Sept. 14, 2018, the formal journal abbreviation has been changed to e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. (The former was e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech.) When citing articles published in our journal, please use the formal abbreviation.