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ALC '24
15th International Symposium on Atomic Level
Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '24
November 17 (Sun) – 22 (Fri), 2024
Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN
General Info for Speakers for Participants Awards/Supports Other Info
Call for Papers Publication Presentation Instructions

Call for Papers & Abstract Submission

Call for Papers

We encourage the submission of papers describing work related to the symposium topics. Each contributor should submit 1 page (A4 paper) of an abstract and contact information via the ALC'24 web site by the deadline shown below. The program committee will make a decision to accept or reject titles by August 31 (Sat) 2024, and the decision will be announced by e-mail to each author.

Accepted authors can submit a manuscript for journal with peer review. See the Publication page in detail.

Students can apply to the student awards. Everyone can apply to the excellent presentation awards. In addition, young scientists (non-students) can apply to the financial support for young scientists.

Abstract Deadline

July 16 (Tue) 2024 (closed)

Post-Deadline Papers

We will start accepting post-deadline papers from August 1st. Please submit your abstract by August 14th for oral presentations or by August 24th for poster presentations via the Abstract Submission page, following the same process as the regular submissions. You can also apply for awards.

Oral Presentations: August 14 (Wed) 2024
Poster Presentations: August 24 (Sat) 2024
* All submissions after August 14 will be treated as poster presentations.

How to Prepare Camera Ready Abstract

1 page of camera-ready abstract must be in clear English and typed within a rectangle 170 mm wide by 240 mm high (left/right/top/bottom margins of 20/20/27/30 mm) on A4 paper (NOT US letter). The required format is:

Templates for Camera Ready Abstract

Abstract Submission


Selected papers will be considered for publication in Special Topic Collections of


You can choose either of the above journal. Please follow one of the instructions below when preparing and submitting your paper. All manuscripts are reviewed to the same standards as regular submissions. Note that article processing charge is free for both journals.

To be published, the manuscript must:

For both journals, use of color in figures is encouraged. Prepare illustrations in the final published size, not oversized or undersized.

How to Submit Your Manuscript for Publication


  1. Prepare your manuscript according to the instructions page. The authors are encouraged to use color figures and movies.
  2. Visit the ScholarOne to submit your manuscript. Please create your account first if you have never logged in before.
  3. Choose “Author” tab on the top, and “Start Submission” menu on the left, then “Begin Submission”.
  4. Please choose “Conference Paper” for [Type] in Step 1 (Type, Title, & Abstract), otherwise you will be required to pay a submission fee.
  5. In Step 3 (Attributes), choose “Conference-ALC” for [Conference Name], and select a desired type (e.g. “Conference (Regular Paper)”) for [Conference Paper Type].
  6. See also “Manuscript Submission Instruction for ALC'24 Conference Paper”.


  1. Prepare your manuscript according to the page “Preparing Your Manuscript”.
  2. Visit Peer X-Press to submit your manuscript. Please create your account first if you have never logged in before.
  3. Authors should select “Article” as the type of paper within the conference special issue (not Letter, Note, etc.) It is also important to tell us that your paper is a part of a Special Collection by choosing the “ALC 2024 Special Collection” from the drop-down list in the Manuscript Classification tab.
  4. Fill in other fields as same as a normal submission, and proceed.

Acceptable manuscript file types are MS Word or LaTeX. For the initial submission/review process, a single PDF, MS Word or LaTeX file including the figures is sufficient. However, once a paper is accepted, a MS Word or LaTeX file of the text, any tables, and the list of figure captions along with the separate figure files will be required for final production.

Manuscript Deadline

e-JSSNT: January 17 (Fri) 2025

Presentation Instructions (TENTATIVE)

Instructions for Oral Presentations

A PC projector is available for oral presentations. Please bring your own laptop and connect it to our system during a break time prior to the session featuring your presentation.

Presentation Durations

Instructions for Poster Presentations

Poster Size and Required Information

Poster Display Hours

Presentation Time

HORIBA Hitachi
AVS The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund
Japan Tourism Agency
MBA Organized by The Division of Microbeam Analysis,
The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS)