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ALC '24
15th International Symposium on Atomic Level
Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '24
November 17 (Sun) – 22 (Fri), 2024
Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN
General Info for Speakers for Participants Awards/Supports Other Info
Student Awards Presentation Awards Financial Support

Student Awards

The Student Awards are designed to encourage students to present their work. The award will be given to a limited number (around 5) of students.

To apply for the Student Award, check off an item "Student Awards" on abstract submission and attach a letter of application with supervisor recommendation. A template file of the document can be downloaded below. The recommendation can be written either in English or Japanese. An application without supervisor recommendation will not be accepted. In addition, the applicant must be the first author of the presentation. You can also apply for the excellent presentation award, but you will not win both.

Applicants will be judged based on the submitted abstract and the letter of recommendation. The program committee will announce the winners on the website prior to the symposium (The winners will be announced no later than one month before the symposium.). Each winner will receive 30,000 JPY, which is only available to winners who attend the symposium. Note that winners must still pay the registration fee. The winners will give short oral presentations (5 min each without discussion) at the Symposium. In addition, winners will be asked to submit their manuscript to the e-JSSNT or JVSTB as a conference paper.

Templates of an Application Document for the Student Award

Excellent Presentation Award

The Excellent Presentation Awards are designed to encourage young scientists (including students) to present their work. The award will be given to a limited number (5 to 10) of applicants.

To apply for the Excellent Presentation Award, check off an item "Excellent Presentation Awards" on abstract submission. If you are a student, you can also apply for the student award, but you will not win both. The applicant must be the first author of the presentation. The winners will be announced at the Banquet.

Financial Support for Young Scientists

A limited number of partial travel support is available for young researchers. Only those who are accepted for paper presentation and have financial difficulty in traveling will be considered for the support. Students are ineligible for this support (students can apply to the Student Award).

To apply for the support, check off an item "Support for Young Scientists" on abstract submission and attach a letter of application with a statement of reason. A template file of the document can be downloaded below. The document can be written either in English or Japanese. An application without a statement of reason will not be accepted. In addition, the applicant must be the first author of the presentation.

The steering committee will strictly judge whether the application should be accepted or not, and a notification will be sent by an e-mail to the applicant by the early registration deadline. Accepted authors receive a partial transportation subsidy of 30,000 JPY for those living in Japan or 50,000 JPY for those living overseas in cash which is only available at the registration desk at the venue.

Templates of an Application Document for the Support

AVS The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund Japan Tourism Agency
MBA Organized by The Division of Microbeam Analysis,
The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS)