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International Symposium on Atomic Level
Characterizations for New Materials and Devices
About ALC Links to Symposia Main Invited Speakers Award Winners

List of Main Invited Speakers

ALC'24 (Matsue)

Keynote Lecture

Prof. Dr. Thomas GREBER (Physik-Institut der Universitat Zurich)
Wafer scale boron nitride outside the vacuum

Tutorial Lectures

Prof. Hiroshi DAIMON (Institute for Molecular Science)
2D photoelectron spectroscopy from 3D atomic orbital/atomic arrangement analysis to holography microscopy
Prof. Dr. Matthias SCHEFFLER (Fritz Haber Institute)
Data-Centric Materials Science

Plenary Lecture

Prof. Dr. Roland WIESENDANGER (University of Hamburg)
Atom-by-Atom Fabricated Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems as Ideal Platforms for Realizing Topological Superconductivity and Associated Majorana Zero Modes
Prof. Taro HITOSUGI (The University of Tokyo)
Self-driving Experiments Based on Machine Learning and Robots

ALC'22 (Okinawa)

Tutorial Lectures

Prof. Masakazu AONO (MANA/NIMS)
Nano World Pioneered by Surface Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Hannes LICHTE (Technische Universität Dresden)
Electron Holography: Electron Waves for Comprehensive Analysis of Nanostructures and Fields — Possibilities and Limits

Plenary Lecture

Prof. Maki KAWAI (Institute for Molecular Science)
Behavior of Molecules at Surfaces — Fundamental Understanding of Catalysis and Molecule to Function in IT —
Prof. Dr. Frank-J. MEYER ZU HERINGDORF (University Duisburg-Essen)
Nonlinear Photoemission Microscopy with Surface Plasmon Polaritons

ALC'21 Online

Tutorial Lectures

Prof. Masakazu AONO (MANA/NIMS)
Nano World Pioneered by Surface Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Hannes LICHTE (Technische Universität Dresden)
Electron Holography: Electron Waves for Comprehensive Analysis of Nanostructures and Fields — Possibilities and Limits
Prof. Neil FOX (University of Bristol)
Energy-filtered Spectromicroscopy with a Laser-Driven, Tunable Light Source

Plenary Lecture

Prof. Maki KAWAI (Institute for Molecular Science)
Behavior of Molecules at Surfaces — Fundamental Understanding of Catalysis and Molecule to Function in IT —
Prof. Dr. Frank-J. MEYER ZU HERINGDORF (University Duisburg-Essen)
Nonlinear Photoemission Microscopy with Surface Plasmon Polaritons

ALC'19 (Kyoto)

Tutorial Lectures

Prof. Karl-Heinz ERNST (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)
Chirality and the emergence of molecular structure
Prof. Yoshinori FUJIYOSHI (Nagoya University)
Cryo-EM changes structural biology
Dr. Mitsugu SATO (Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation)
Optimization theory for scanning electron microscopy based on the information content of optical images

Keynote Lecture

Prof. Masashi WATANABE (Lehigh University)
Toward single-atom characterization in a thin specimen by an analytical electron microscope

Plenary Lecture

Prof. Franz J. GIESSIBL (University of Regensburg)
Exploring atomic forces on the picoscale
Prof. Hideo OHNO (Tohoku University)
Spintronics Nanodevices – From Interface to Advanced Computation
Prof. Akira FUJISHIMA (Tokyo University of Science)
Photoexcited Interface Reactions ― Photocatalysis and Its Applications

ALC'17 (Kauai)

Tutorial Lecture

Prof. Chuhei OSHIMA (Waseda University)
Extreme-High-Vacuum Technology and High-Energy-Resolution Electron Spectroscopy

Plenary Lectures

New Trends in Atomic Level Characterization with Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers
Prof. Yahachi SAITO (Nagoya University)
Field Emission from carbon nanotube and graphene: Its Application and Related Phenomena
Prof. Matthias SCHEFFLER (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
Big-Data Routes for Atomic-Level Characterization of Novel Materials

JSPS 141 Committee Award Lectures

Prof. Hans-Joachim FREUND (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
The Surface Science of Catalysis and More, Using Ultrathin Oxide Films as Templates: A Perspective
Prof. Wolf-Dieter SCHNEIDER (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
A Small World
Artificially Controlled Graded Magnonic Structures on FeNi Films by FIB

ALC’15 (Matsue)

Special Lecture

Prof. Hiroshi AMANO (Nagoya University, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2014)
Group III nitride semiconductors as future key materials for energy savings and energy harvesting

Tutorial Lecture

Prof. Peter BAUER (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Electronic stopping of ions in solids

Plenary Lectures

Prof. David B. WILLIAMS (Ohio State University)
Forward to the past: now we can image and identify single atoms, what’s next?
Prof. Hannes LICHTE (Dresden University)
Importance of electron phases for comprehensive analysis of structures and fields
Prof. Jiro MATSUO (Kyoto University)
Exploring of organic surfaces with secondary ion mass spectrometry: from polymers to biological materials

ALC’13 (Hawaii)

Special Lecture

Prof. Sumio IIJIMA (Meijo University)

Tutorial Lectures

Prof. Takanori KOSHIKAWA (Osaka Electro-Communication University)
Prof. Helmut WINTER (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Plenary Lectures

Dr. Claus SCHNEIDER (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
Prof. Seizo MORITA (Osaka University)
Prof. Hisayoshi YURIMOTO (Hokkaido University)

ALC’11 (Seoul)

Tutorial Lectures

Prof. Masatake HARUTA (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Catalytic Performance and Atomic Scale Structures of Supported Gold Nanoparticles
Prof. Franz HASSELBACH (Universität Tübingen)
Progress in Low Energy Electron Biprism Interferometry
Prof. Peter VARGA (TU Vienna)
Is an Image Worth More than 1000 WORDS?

Plenary Lectures

Prof. Toshio ANDO (Kanazawa University)
Dynamic Imaging of Protein Molecules in Action by High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy
Prof. Jürgen KIRSCHNER (Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik)
Spin-polarized Electronic States on Magnetic Nano-islands
Prof. Hu-Chul LEE (Seoul National University & POSTECH)
Phase Transition of Grain Boundary Precipitates during Isothermal Aging of Fe-Mn-Ni and Fe-Ni-Ti Alloys
Prof. Jing ZHU (Tsinghua University)
Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy Study of Materials in Beijing National Center for Electron Microscopy