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International Symposium on Atomic Level
Characterizations for New Materials and Devices
About ALC Links to Symposia Main Invited Speakers Award Winners

Student Award Winners

ALC’24 (Matsue)

Mr. Tomoyasu FUJIMARU (Kyushu University)
Light emission enhancement on nanostructured surfaces nanoscopicaly probed by photon correlation cathodoluminescence
Ms. Yuri MIZUTANI (Kyoto University)
Study on the polymer damage by sputtering with Ar gas cluster ion beam
Mr. Takato ODA (Kwansei Gakuin University)
Real-time XRD analysis of GaN remote epitaxy on sapphire substrates covered with directly grown graphene&
Ms. Yujin ROH (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST))
In-situ investigation of hot carrier dynamics in photoelectrochemical reaction

ALC’22 (Okinawa)

Ms. Yui SUZUKI (Chiba University)
Study of the lubricants on polypropylene surfaces by using SFG vibrational spectroscopy
Mr. Tomonobu NISHINA (Osaka University)
Ni2Si precipitates in Cu observed by 4D-STEM
Ms. Kristina KOMANDER (Uppsala University)
Investigating hydrogen storage materials with 15N-ion beams

ALC’19 (Kyoto)

Mr. Masato AKATSUKA (Osaka City University)
Characterization of surface modified Ga2O3 photocatalyst for CO2 reduction with H2O
Mr. Md Harun Al RASHID (Hokkaido University)
EXAFS studies on active phase structure of Ni-P particles on SiO2 for non-oxidative methane coupling reactions
Ms. Trinh Thi NGUYEN (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy of steroidal structure side chains of Polyimide surface
Mr. Hideya MIZUNO (Osaka Institute of Technology)
Non-charging conditions of insulating film under electron beam irradiation
Mr. Long CHENG (University of Science and Technology of China)
Novel quantum trajectory approaches to the simulation of electron backscatter diffraction
Mr. Rezwan AHMED (Kyushu University)
Surface relaxation sequence in Cu(410) by quantitative low energy electron diffraction
Mr. Ying CHEN (National Tsing Hua University)
X-ray ptychography by nested Montel mirrors

ALC’17 (Kauai)

Mr. Jonas Evertsson (Lund University, SWEDEN)
The Effect of Anodizing Potential and Electrolyte Composition on the Ordering of Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Studied Operando using GTSAXS
Mr. Yusuke Hashimoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN)
Surface Structure Analysis and Atomic-Sites and Valences Separation of Spinel-Type Fe Oxide
Ms. Akiyo Ozawa (Osaka City University, JAPAN)
Chemical State and Stability of Nitrogen Doped in NaTaO3
Mr. Kota Shihommatsu (Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
Elementary Excitation of Secondary Electron in Graphene on Nickel
Ms. Emi Takeo (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Aldosterone Specific Visualization in Primary Aldosteronism using Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Mr. Takahiro Yonezawa (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN)
Atomistic Study of GaSe/Ge(111) Interface Formed through Van Der Waals Epitaxy
Mr. Yue Zhao (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN)
Observation of Spider Silk by Femtosecond Pulse Laser Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy

ALC’15 (Matsue)

Yuki HANDA (Osaka Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Surface potential distribution of insulating film on a conductive substrate irradiated by electron beam with an application of the bias-voltage
Shuto ITO (Nagoya Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Overwritable Liquid Selective Open Channel
Tetsumi IZAWA (Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
Edge-Roughness Engineering on Thermoelectric Performance of Graphene Nanoribbons: Theoretical and Computational Prediction
Eugen MICHEL (Julich Research Center, GERMANY)
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of exchange-dominated spin waves in ultrathin hexagonal cobalt films grown on three different substrates
Shota MORIMOTO (Yokohama National University, JAPAN)
Mass spectrometry imaging of mouse liver using functional γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Hiroshi NAKAJIMA (Osaka Prefecture University, JAPAN)
Foucault optical system by using non-dedicated conventional TEM
Chenxing WANG (Nagoya University, JAPAN)
In situ SEM/STM observations and growth control of monolayer graphene on SiC (0001) wide terraces
Kejun ZHANG (University of Science and Technology of China, CHINA)
A Theoretical Method for Calculation of STEM-EELS Spectra of Nanoparticles

ALC’13 (Hawaii)

Natalia MARTIN (Lund University, SWEDEN)
Methane Oxidation over Pd
Study of ITO/Organic Interfaces by Optical Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) Phase Measurement
Satoshi OGAWA (Nagoya University, JAPAN)
XAFS and XPS Study of Hydro-/Dehydrogenation Reaction of Mg-Pd Nanoparticles
Naoka OHTA (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
Enhancement of Inelastic Electron Conductance Changes Driven by Reduced Molecule-Substrate Interaction in Iron Phthalocyanine Bilayer on Ag(111)
Akkawat RUAMMAITREE (Nagoya University, JAPAN)
Growth of Triangular and Striped Graphene Islands on SiC (0001) by Thermal Decomposition in Inert Gas Atmosphere
Zhu RUAN (University of Science and Technology of China, CHINA)
Simulation Study of Atomic Resolution Secondary Electron Image
Vasilisa VELIGURA (University of Twente, NETHERLANDS)
Ionoluminescence in Helium Ion Microscopy

ALC’11 (Seoul)

Bo DA (University of Science and Technology of China, CHINA)
Modeling of Surface Excitation Effect for Rough Surfaces
Takumi INABA (Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
Tip Characterizer of Atomic Force Microscopy Using Singly-Suspended Carbon Nanotube
Motoyuki KARITA (Nagoya University, JAPAN)
In-situ TEM Study on the Improvement of Contact Resistance between a Carbon Nanotube and Metal Electrodes by Local Melting
Hydrogen Desorption from a Flat Si(111)1×1 Surface Studied by Sum Frequency Microscopy
Gregor KOWARIK (Vienna University of Technology, AUSTRIA)
Tuning Capillary Guiding
Yudai OHTOMO (Tohoku University, JAPAN)
Surface Morphology of Al, Si, and Cu Substrates Flattened by a 2"-size Photoemission-assisted Ion Beam Source
Changkun PARK (Hokkaido University, JAPAN)
Oxygen Isotopic Variation of a Type A Ca-Al-rich Inclusion and Its Implication to the Early Solar System

ALC’09 (Maui)

Abbas ALSHEHABI (Kyoto University, JAPAN)
Multilayer Nano-Characterization by a Portable Bremsstrahlung X-ray Reflectometer
Makiko FUJII (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
Development of Reconstruction Method for Highly Precise Shave-off Depth Profiling
Emelie HILNER (Lund University, SWEDEN)
Influence of Au Nano Particles on the Self-Propelled Motion of Mesoscopic Droplets
Hideaki HOZUMI (Tohoku University, JAPAN)
Real-time Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of 3C-SiC Nucleation and Growth on Si (001) Surface by Carbonization with Ethylene
Daichi KAWANO (Osaka Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Measurement of a Charge Distribution in the Specimen Chamber in a Scanning Electron Microscope
Yusuke KOBAYASHI (Mie University, JAPAN)
Nano-structure Formation onto a Tip of Field Gas Ion Emitter by Field-assisted Oxygen Etching
Yuki MORO (Yokohama National University, JAPAN)
Size Control of Mn-Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles and Their XAFS Spectra
Hiroaki TAKAHASHI (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN)
Optical Second Harmonic Spectroscopy of the Electronic States of Stepped Rutile TiO2 (12 12 5) Surface Adsorbed with Formic Acid
Thomas YORISAKI (Waseda University, JAPAN)
CO Adsorption on LaB6 (111) and (100) Surface Investigated by RAIRS

ALC’07 (Kanazawa)

Ahmed Bakr Mohamed Mahmoud EL BASATY (Ministry of Higher Education, EGYPT)
Surface Plasmon — Cobalt Phthalocyanine Sensor for NO2 Gas
Michihiro HASHIMOTO (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
Mapping of Chemical Bonding States of Ag/Si(111) with Synchrotron Radiation Photo Emission Electron Microscopy
Yusuke KISAKA (Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
Study on Dynamics of Surface Structure by Rapid and Time-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction
Walter MEISSL (Vienna University of Technology, AUSTRIA)
Electron Emission from Highly Charged Ion Irradiated Alkali-halide Targets
Tomoko MINAMI (Japan Women’s University, JAPAN)
Structural Analysis of Crystal Surfaces by Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Patterns: The Si(111)7×7 Surface
Tsunenori NOMAGUCHI (Osaka University, JAPAN)
A Process for Exit Wave Reconstruction Using Through-focus Series
Tatsuhiko TANIMURA (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
Analysis of X-ray Irradiation Effect in High-k Gate Dielectrics by Time-dependent Photoemission Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation
Kouta UEDA (Nagoya University, JAPAN)
First Observation of Dynamic Shape Change of a Gold Nano-particle Catalyst under Reaction Gas Environment by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Tomohiro URATA (Waseda University, JAPAN)
Application of the Single-atom Electron Source to Scanning Electron Microscope
Ryosuke WATANABE (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN)
Hysteresis of Magnetization Induced Second Harmonic Generation from the Co Doped Rutile TiO2(110) Surface
Ryosuke YABUSHITA (Mie University, JAPAN)
Newly Developed High Spatial Resolution X-ray Microscope Equipped with Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Cathode

ALC’05 (Hawaii)

Volha V. ABIDZINA (Belarusian-Russian University, BELARUS)
Surface modification in metals by the low-energy ion irradiation in discharge plasma
Jeremy BRISON (University of Namur, BELGIUM)
Cesium/Xenon co-sputtering and ToF-SIMS depth profiling: A fundamental survey through the periodic table
Takuya BUNGO (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Dependence of depth resolution on primary energy of ions in sputter depth profiling
Takahiro ITAGAKI (Waseda University, JAPAN)
Field emission from a single-atom tip: Apex structure dependences of field emission properties
Takeshi IYASU (Osaka Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
A novel approach to derive escape depth of secondary electrons as applied to Ti and TiO2
Hidehiro MOCHIZUKI (Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
Surface structural analysis of h-BN/Ni(111) by X-ray photoelectron diffraction excited by Al-Kα line and Cr-Kα line
Akihiko NAKAGUCHI (Osaka Electro-Communication University, JAPAN)
Sb on In/Si(111) processes with dynamically observable LEEM, selected area LEED and chemically analyzed SR-XPEEM
Naoya SAKAMOTO (Hokkaido University, JAPAN)
High sensitive ion imaging system using direct combination of stacked-type solid-state imager and microchannel plate driven by LabVIEW software
Shuichi SHIMMA (National Institute for Physiological Sciences, JAPAN)
Direct MS/MS analysis in mammalian tissue sections using MALDI-QIT-TOFMS and chemical inkjet technology
Daisuke TAKAGI (Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
In-situ scanning electron microscopy of single-walled carbon nanotube growth

ALC’03 (Kauai)

T. FUJITA (Waseda University, JAPAN)
Novel structures of carbon layers on Pt(111) Surface
Kazuki KAIBUCHI (Kyoto University, JAPAN)
The soft X-ray analysis of fluorine from BaF2 to HfF4
Canhua LIU (University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
First atomic-scale observations of two-dimensional liquefaction and solidification in real space
Kenichi NISHINAKA (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Development of coincidence transmission electron microscope — Application of waveform measurement system
H. YANAGISAWA (Waseda University, JAPAN)
The phonon dispersion of a BC3 film on NbB2(0001) surface

ALC’01 (Nara)

M. H. HAMDI (Kyoto University, JAPAN)
Atomic Level Characterizations of Hydroxyapatite Films for Biomedical Applications
Shin-ichi IIDA (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Atomic Level Characterization of Sc-O/W(100) Emitter at High Temperatures I
Tadahiro KAWASAKI (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Phase Reconstruction with Aberration Correction by Three-dimensional Fourier Filtering Method
Naoki KUROIWA (Osaka Electro-Communication University, JAPAN)
Cu Nano-Structure Formation and Structure Analysis on H Terminated Si(111)
Tetsutane YAMASHITA (Waseda University, JAPAN)
Coherent Electron Emission from Carbon Nanotubes — Young’s Interference of Electrons with a Fermi Wavelength

ALC’97 (Maui)

Nobutaka KOBAYASHI (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Dynamic Observation of Diamond Growth on Pt(111) Surface
Kazuhiko HAYASHI (Nagoya University, JAPAN)
Thermal Relaxation Process of Three Dimensional Islands on Si(111)7×7 Surface
Kazuhide NAGASHIMA (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Electron Emission from Nb Superconductor
Takuya KUNIHIRO (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Characteristics of Amplified MOS Imager
Shinji OMORI (University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
Reconstruction of the Crystal Structure by Kikuchi-band Analysis in X-ray Photo- and Auger Electron Diffraction
Tetsutane YAMASHITA (Waseda University, JAPAN)
Electron Emission from Nb Superconductor

Excellent Presentation Award Winners

ALC’22 (Okinawa)

Ms. Aleksandra CEBRAT (Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)
Self-assembly and thermally induced on-surface polymerization of diCN4H on Ag(111)
Mr. Leonard GURA (Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
Resolving structural dynamics in the O(2×1) adlayer on Ru(0001)
Mr. Alfred LARSSON (Lund University)
Passive film growth and breakdown of Ni alloys in aqueous environment
Dr. Xu LI (Nagoya University)
Growth of ultra-thin quasicrystal-like Ce-Ti-O structure on Pt(111)
Mr. Insung SEO (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Electronic structure and interactions of In thin film on Si(111)√3×√3-B
Mr. Yuto FUJITA (Keio University)
Nanoscale structural analysis of porous organic thin films fabricated at the air/liquid interface
Mr. Hirokazu SATO (Keio University)
Single-molecule reactions of diarylethene induced by tunneling electron injection
Dr. Alexander RISS (Technical University of Munich)
Aromaticity in on-surface chemistry
Dr. Yasuhiro SHIRASAKI (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Charging Induced Electroreflectance for Study of Insulator/Semiconductor Interfaces

ALC’21 Online

Dr. Yuri HASEGAWA (Ritsumeikan University)
Resonant photoemission spectroscopy of highly oriented coronene monolayer using photoelectron momentum microscope
Mr. Shuhei HATANAKA (Osaka University)
Precise evaluation of spatial coherence of thermionic-emitted electron beams based on the analysis of Airy patterns
Mr. Tomohito ISHII (Osaka University)
Improved resolution in rapid electron tomography based on the image sharpness measurement
Dr. Alex J. TANNER (University College London)
Photoexcitation of bulk polarons in rutile TiO2

ALC’19 (Kyoto)

Prof. Tsuyoshi TAKAMI (Kyoto University)
Lithium diffusion analysis of a new La−Li−Co−O electrolyte using the maximum entropy method
Mr. Keisuke ISHIZEKI (Tokyo University of Science)
Computational study on temperature dependence of electrical resistance of nitrogen-substituted carbon nanotubes
Mr. Yoshihiro CHIDA (Tohoku University)
Scanning transmission microscopic observations for Pt and SnO2(hkl) interfaces
Mr. Kazuya KUNOH (Mie University)
Evidence of spin-polarized electronic state at edges of graphene oxide studied by field emission spin polarimetry

ALC’17 (Kauai)

Dr. Yuji KUNISADA (Hokkaido University)
Atomic scale characterization of brownmillerite oxides: A combined study using STEM-EELS and first-principles calculation
Dr. Koji KIMURA (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Local structural analysis of In doped Bi2Se3 topological insulator using X-ray fluorescence holography
Dr. Noboru TAGUCHI (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Lithium analysis in Li-ion battery materials by SEM-based approach
Dr. Takafumi ISHIDA (Nagoya University)
Development of a voltage applying and heating specimen holder for observation of solid oxide fuel cell's reactions in environmental TEM

ALC’15 (Matsue)

Dr. Hironari ISSHIKI (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Ligand effect on magnetic anisotropy and Kondo effect of 3d β-diketonates
Dr. Satoru KONABE (Tokyo University of Science)
Theoretical study of the thermoelectric performance of strained-phosphorene
Mr. Md. Abdus SATTAR (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Hydrogen desorption kinetics from H-Si (111) surfaces studied by sum frequency generation and second harmonic generation
Dr. Noboru TAGUCHI (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Study of the Li K-edge spectra for lithium compounds using reflection EELS
Mr. Kengo TAKASHIMA (Tokyo University of Science)
Theoretical and computational study of carrier localization in sub-100 nm edge-disordered graphene nanoribbons

ALC’13 (Hawaii)