ALC'09 Logo
ALC ’09
December 6 (Sun) – 11 (Fri), 2009
The Westin Maui Resort & Spa, Maui, Hawaii, USA
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 13:57 JST)
ALC'09 Logo

About ALC Symposia

The series of international symposia entitled “Atomic Level Characterization” (ALC) started in 1996 with the meeting in Kyoto, Japan under the auspices of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The ALC symposia focus on practical applications of atomic level characterization (both atomic dimensions and energy levels) of new materials and devices, including bio- and organic materials as well as inorganics. Descriptions of new applications and instrumentation for various analytical techniques of surface and interface analysis are solicited in these symposia. The goal is to promote stimulating discussions among researchers specializing in different probe methods. The symposium also encourages discussion of fundamental problems to be solved in the further development of atomic level characterization of materials, including approaches based on theory and simulations.

the 6th at Kanazawa (Japan) in 2007. It is time to gather again for ALC'09, which is planned to be held on the island of Maui (Hawaii).

The official language of the symposium is English.

JSPS Logo Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis
of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)