ALC ’09
7th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations
for New Materials and Devices ’09
December 6(Sun) – 11(Fri), 2009
The Westin Maui Resort & Spa, Maui, Hawaii, USA
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 13:57 JST)
What's New
- ♦ Documents & Links; PHOTOS UPLOADED
- Photo gallery of the symposium was open to public.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/1/7, 13:30)
- ♦ Documents & Links; UPDATED
- Presentation materials of tutorial lectures were uploaded.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/12/28, 12:00)
- ♦ Reviewed Journals; START ACCEPTING
- Now you can submit a manuscript for a reviewed journal (SIA or e-JSSNT).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/12/10, 4:32)
- ♦ Social Programs; UPDATED
- The beginning time of the banquet was moved forward by 30 minutes.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/12/2, 19:08)
- ♦ Presentation Instructions; IMPORTANT for Poster Presenters
- Please prepare pushpins by yourselves for mounting your poster on the board.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/11/30, 16:21)
- ♦ General Notice; Program & Abstract Book
- A book of abstracts will be handed out at the conference site, however, participants from Japan will receive it through the mail by the end of November.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/11/25, 18:39)
- ♦ General Notice; A Book of Proceedings
- At the conference site, all participants will receive a digital (USB memory) version of proceedings. It is recommended that each participant brings a laptop PC to open the files in the USB memory. A paper version will be sent via the mail by the end of November to whose payment was confirmed at early November. Those who does not receive the paper version beforehand, will have one at the conference site.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/11/25, 18:38)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- Talk titles and lecturers of sponsored sessions are added.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/11/18, 9:50)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program and the authors index was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/31, 21:27)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program and the time table was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/30, 19:39)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program and the time table was updated. An list of chairpersons was added to the program.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/29, 13:32)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The list of advertisements was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/28, 15:12)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- Sponsored sessions and advertisements were added.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/26, 10:17)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program and the time table was updated. An authors index was also added.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/26, 10:10)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program was updated (details of sponsored sessions were added).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/22, 21:13)
- ♦ Presentation Instructions; UPDATED
- Presentation instructions were updated (poster board size was fixed).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/20, 19:20)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program was updated (minor changes).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/20, 19:16)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The detailed scientific program was updated (minor changes).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/18, 17:56)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The session time table and the scientific program was updated, which includes a title of Prof. Kobayashi's talk.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/16, 13:13)
- ♦ Proceedings (no reviewing); EXTENDED
- The submission deadline of a manuscript for proceedings was extended to October 16. This is a final limit for printing a book of proceedings which will be handed out at the conference site (for residents of Japan, it will be delivered prior to the symposium). Manuscripts submitted after this deadline will not appear in the book of proceedings.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/7, 17:45)
- ♦ Scientific Program; UPDATED
- The session time table and the scientific program was updated. A presidential talk by Prof. M. Kobayashi (the Nobel Laureate in Physics 2008) will be held on December 9.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/7, 10:33)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- Prof. Makoto Kobayashi (the Novel Laureate in Physics 2008) and several other speakers were added to the invited speakers list.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/10/7, 10:33)
- ♦ Registration & Payment; EXTENDED (deadline REVISED)
- Early registration deadline was extended to September 3 (REVISED) for post deadline papers.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/8/10, 9:55)
- ♦ Hotel Reservation; EXTENDED
- Hotel reservation deadline was extended to November 6, but it is subject to availability.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/8/7, 12:35)
- ♦ Call for Post Deadline Papers
- We would like to call for Post Deadline Papers of ALC'09. The deadline will be August 31, 2009.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/7/27, 21:47)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The sponsors list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/7/15, 13:14)
- ♦ Scientific Program; ANNOUNCED
- The preliminary program was announced.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/7/15, 12:24)
- ♦ Student Awards; WINNERS
- The student awards winners are announced.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/7/15, 11:54)
- ♦ Hotel Reservation; STARTED
- The hotel reservation web site (The Westin Maui Resort & Spa) was opened and linked from the ALC'09 web site.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/30, 10:24)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- The invited speakers list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/22, 17:14)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The sponsors list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/18, 14:28)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- The invited speakers list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/17, 19:06)
- ♦ Registration & Payment; STARTED
- The on-line registration web site (JTB Global Club, Inc.) was opened and linked from the ALC'09 web site.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/17, 13:00)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- The invited speakers list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/13, 12:25)
- ♦ Call for Papers & Applications; EXTENDED — !!! IMPORTANT !!!
- The application deadline was extended to June 16 (Tue).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/5, 10:00)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- The invited speakers list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/6/1, 12:00)
- ♦ Links & Archives; ADDED
- A tentative version of ALC'09 poster was published.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/5/28, 12:00)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- The invited speakers list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/5/27, 12:00)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; PUBLISHED
- A tentative invited speakers list was published.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/5/22, 12:00)
- ♦ Call for Papers & Applications; STARTED
- The application web page now starts accepting.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/5/21, 12:00)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The sponsors list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/4/16, 12:00)
- ♦ Official Opening of the ALC'09 Web Site
- This web site was officially opened.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2009/4/14, 12:00)
Important Dates
Application Deadline: |
June 16 (Tue), 2009 |
Preliminary Program: |
July 12 (Sun), 2009 |
Post Deadline Papers: |
August 31 (Mon), 2009 |
Early Registration Deadline: |
September 3 (Thu), 2009 |
Proceedings Deadline: |
October 16 (Fri), 2009 |
Hotel Reservation Deadline: |
November 6 (Fri), 2009
(Subject to availability) |
Symposium: |
Dec 6 (Sun) - 11 (Fri), 2009 |
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline: |
January 10 (Sun), 2010 |
About ALC Symposia
The series of international symposia entitled “Atomic Level Characterization” (ALC) started in 1996 with the meeting in Kyoto, Japan under the auspices of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The ALC symposia focus on practical applications of atomic level characterization (both atomic dimensions and energy levels) of new materials and devices, including bio- and organic materials as well as inorganics.
Descriptions of new applications and instrumentation for various analytical techniques of surface and interface analysis are solicited in these symposia.
The goal is to promote stimulating discussions among researchers specializing in different probe methods.
The symposium also encourages discussion of fundamental problems to be solved in the further development of atomic level characterization of materials, including approaches based on theory and simulations.
the 6th at Kanazawa (Japan) in 2007.
It is time to gather again for ALC'09, which is planned to be held on the island of Maui (Hawaii).
The official language of the symposium is English.
Scientific Topics
The sessions will cover the following topics:
- Fundamental Phenomena
- electron/ion -solid interactions
- emission phenomena of light, electrons, and ions
- Characterization by Electrons / Ions / Infrared / Ultraviolet / X-rays
- AES / XPS / XPED / EPMA / ISS / MEIS / RBS / IR / etc.
- Imaging Techniques
- SPM / REM / LEEM / PEEM / FIM / etc.
- Applications for Nanotechnology
- nanowires / nanotubes / nanoparticles
- solid-solid / solid-liquid interfaces
- Cosmic, Terrestrial & Environmental Materials
- Special Sessions
- nanospectroscopy
- graphene and related materials
- nanoscale 3-D element imaging
- medical and biomaterials
- surface imaging
- Workshop
- new trends in SIMS technology
- novel analyses with electron beams
- Tutorials
Invited Speakers
Presidential Talk
- Makoto Kobayashi (The Novel Laureate in Physics 2008)
- to be announced
Plenary Talks
- Hans-Joachim Freund (Fritz-Haber-Institute, Germany)
- “Electronic Structure — Reaction Relations of Oxide Supported Nanoparticles at the Atomic Level”
- Chuhei Oshima (Waseda University, Japan)
- “A Single-atom Electron Source and Its Application to Microscopes”
- Harald Ibach (Research Center Jülich, Germany)
- “Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy — a Method for the Atomic Level Characterization of the Chemical and Electronical Properties of Surfaces”
- Wolf-Dieter Schneider (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
- “Creation and Characterization of Atomic-Scale Structures — Necessary Steps towards a Future Nanotechnology”
- Gabor A. Somorjai (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- “Molecular Studies of Surfaces under Reaction Conditions; Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”
- Masaru Tsukada (Tohoku University, Japan)
- “Theoretical Approaches for the Analyses of Scanning Probe Microscopy”
- Nicholas Winograd (Pennsylbania State University, USA)
- “Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Biomaterials with Mass Spectrometry”
General Sessions and Workshops
- Michael S. Altman (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong)
- “LEEM Studies of Coarsening: Adatom/Vacany Creation, Annihilation and Mass Transport at Surfaces”
- Friedrich Aumayr (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
- “Surface Nanostructures by Single Highly Charged Ions”
- Ernst Bauer (Arizona State University, USA)
- “Spin-polarized Low Energy Electron Microscopy”
- Harald Brune (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
- “Atomic Level Understanding of Magnetic Anisotropy”
- Uli Dahmen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
- “Recent Advances in Electron Microscopy in the Context of the TEAM Project”
- Arnaud Delcorte (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
- “Sputtering Soft Materials with Energetic Molecules: from Microscopic Models to the Real World”
- Hermann A. Dürr (BESSY, Germany)
- “Magnetism on the fs Time and nm Length Scales”
- Karl-Heinz Ernst (Empa, Switzerland)
- “Hopping, Flipping, Cutting: Inelastic Electron Tunneling Action Spectroscopy with Single Molecules”
- Charles S. Fadley (UC Davis, USA)
- “Digging Deeper: Characterization of Buried Layers and Interfaces with Standing Wave- and Hard X-Ray- Photoemission”
- Barbara Garrison (Pennsylbania State University, USA)
- “Modeling Energetic Cluster Bombardment of Solids”
- Raynald Gauvin (McGill University, Canada)
- “Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis of Nanomaterials in the FE-SEM and the FE-TEM”
- Thomas Greber (Universität Zürich, Switzerland)
- “Template Function of Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Single Layers”
- Brendan J. Griffin (University of Western Australia, Australia)
- “A Review of the Secondary Electron Imaging of Nanostructure in the Scanning Electron and Ion Microscopes”
- Alexander Grüneis (University of Vienna, Austria)
- “Dynamics of Graphene Growth on a Metal Surface: a Time-dependent Photoemission Study”
- Terumitsu Hasebe (Toho University Sakura Medical Center, Japan)
- “Diamond-Like Carbon Films for Blood-Contacting Medical Devices: Plasma-Modified Biomimetic Surface”
- Shuji Hasegawa (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Nano-Measurements by Four-Tip STM”
- Hiroki Hibino (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan)
- “Microscopic Evaluations of Structure and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Graphene”
- Kenzo Hiraoka (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
- “Analysis of Organic and Biological Materials by Electrospray Droplet Impact/SIMS”
- Takashi Ikuta (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
- “Transmission and Scanning-transmission Microscopy using Annular Objective Pupil”
- Terrence Jach (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
- “X-ray Spectroscopy and Quantitative Analysis with the Microcalorimeter X-ray Detector”
- Hiroshi Jinnai (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
- “3D Elemental Mapping of Soft Materials Using Transmission Electron Microtomography”
- Ondrej Krivanek (Nion Company, USA)
- “Atomic Resolution Imaging and Analysis by STEM and EELS”
- Hannes Lichte (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
- “Atomic Resolution Electron Holography: Performance and Limits”
- Dietrich Menzel (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany)
- “Laser-induced Photochemistry in (NO)2 Layers on Silver Nanoparticles: Size and Plasmon Influences”
- Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- “Nonlinear Photoemission Electron Microscopy: A Tool for the Plasmonic Sandbox”
- Goro Mizutani (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
- “Development and Application of a Multi-functional Optical Sum Frequency Microscope”
- Karina Morgenstern (Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany)
- “Single Molecule Manipulation”
- Seizo Morita (Osaka University, Japan)
- “Toward Atom-by-Atom Assembly of Composite Nanostructures Based on AFM”
- Takeshi Nakagawa (Institute for Molecular Science, Japan)
- “Magnetic Circular Dichroism using Laser Photoemission and Its Application to Photoemission Electron Microscope”
- Kiyoshi Nikawa (NEC Electronics, Japan)
- “Three-dimensional Analysis in LSI Failure Analysis”
- Håkan Nygren (University of Gothenburgh, Sweden)
- “Strategies for the Use of TOF-SIMS in Biomedical Research”
- Ludovic Renaud (CAMECA, France)
- “Advances in Atom Probe Tomography for Semiconductor Materials”
- Harald Rose (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
- “Design of an Obstruction-free Phase Plate Yielding Maximum Contrast over a Large Range of Spatial Frequencies”
- Eli Rotenberg (Advanced Light Source, USA)
- “The Effect of Adsorbates and Interfaces on the Electronic Properties of Graphene”
- Koichiro Saiki (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Structure and Properties of Chemically-prepared Graphene”
- Marika Schleberger (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- “Modification of Graphene with Swift Heavy Ions”
- Mitsutoshi Setou (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan)
- “Mass Microscopy; Integration of Imaging Mass Spectrometry with Microscopy”
- Se Ahn Song (Samsung Electronics Co., LTD., Korea)
- “Sub-Angstrom Resolution Analysis with Electron Beam: Challenge and Prospect”
- Taku Suzuki (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
- “Element Selective Spin Polarization Analysis on Surfaces by Spin-Polarized Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (SP-ISS)”
- Noriaki Takagi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Molecular Spins at Surfaces”
- Geoff Thornton (University College London, UK)
- “Towards Interconnects on a Dielectric Substrate”
- Takayuki Uchihashi (Kanazawa University, Japan)
- “Direct Observation of Dynamic Structural Changes of Proteins using High-Speed AFM”
- Peter Varga (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
- “Magnetic Nanostructures on Surfaces”
- Masashi Watanabe (Lehigh University, USA)
- “Atomic-resolution Chemical Analysis by Electron Energy-loss Spectrometry and X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectrometry in Aberration-corrected Electron Microscopes”
- Wolf Widdra (University of Halle, Germany)
- “Oligothiophene Adsorption on Noble Metal Surface: From Chiral Self Organization to Surface Polymerization”
- Helmut Winter (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
- “Structure of Surfaces from Classical and Quantum Mechanical Rainbow Scattering of Fast Atoms”
- Tsuneo Yasue (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
- “Development of High Brightness and Highly Spin Polarized Low Energy Electron Microscope”
- Han Woong Yeom (Yonsei University, Korea)
- “Impurity Physics of Surface Atomic Wires — Doping and Finite Size Effect”
- Hisayoshi Yurimoto (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- “Observation of Meteorites by Isotope Microscopy”
Committee Members
International Advisory Committee
T. Koshikawa (chair)
E. Bauer,
C.S. Fadley,
M. Hibino,
H. Ibach,
T. Ichinokawa,
H. Lichte,
A. Lucas,
S. Maruse,
H. Neddermayer,
D. Newbury,
Y. Nihei,
C. Oshima,
H. Rose,
W.D. Schneider,
R. Shimizu,
G.A. Somorjai,
S.Y. Tong,
A. Tonomura,
T.T. Tsong,
P. Varga,
O.C. Wells,
D. Williams
Organizing Committee
C. Oshima (chair)
M. Altman,
M. Asari,
F. Aumayr,
K-H. Ernst,
K. Goto,
T. Gustafsson,
M. Haruta,
M. Hashimoto,
M. Hibino,
Y. Homma,
A. Ichimiya,
S. Ichimura,
T. Ichinokawa,
H.J. Kang,
J. Kawai,
Y. Kido,
J. Kobayashi,
M. Koguchi,
T. Koshikawa,
M. Kudo,
A. Locatelli,
Y. Saito,
A.K. Schmid,
Y. Shichi,
R. Shimizu,
H. Shimoyama,
M. Takai,
H. Takenaka,
G. Thornton,
H. Tokumoto,
Y. Watanabe,
J.F. Watts,
W. Widdra,
N. Yamamoto
Executive Committee
J. Kawai (chair),
R. Oiwa (vice-chair)
H. Hibino (secretary)
T. Adachi,
F. Akinaga,
K. Akutsu,
K. Dohmae,
M. Doi,
K. Goto,
Y. Goto,
K. Hata,
S. Hayashi,
R. Iiyoshi,
H. Ishii,
T. Jach,
M. Kiuchi,
A. Kurokawa,
K. Minami,
K. Miyazaki,
G. Mizutani,
H. Morita,
M. Nagoshi,
H. Nakahara,
M. Nojima,
E. Nomura,
T. Sakamoto,
T. Sato,
S. Seki,
M. Suzuki,
T. Takeuchi,
M. Tomita,
K. Yanagiuchi,
H. Yoshikawa
Finance Committee
K. Shingu (chair)
T. Adachi,
A. Karen,
M. Koguchi,
R. Oiwa,
K. Sasakawa
Program Committee
T. Koshikawa (chair),
K. Tanaka (vice-chair)
T. Yasue (secretary)
T. Ando,
K. Asakura,
T. Hasebe,
T. Hirayama,
Y. Homma,
J. Kawai,
K. Kimura,
M. Kudo,
G. Mizutani,
M. Owari,
Y. Takai,
S. Tanuma,
T. Ushiki,
N. Yamamoto
Publication Committee
S. Susuki (chair),
H. Yurimoto (vice-chair)
M. Setou (secretary),
T. Nagatomi (secretary)
T.G. Etoh,
Y. Fujii,
T. Ikuta,
T. Saka,
R. Shimizu,
M. Tomita
Call for Papers
We encourage the submission of papers describing work related to the symposium topics.
Each contributor should submit a talk title and contact information via the ALC'09 web site by an application deadline shown below.
No abstract is required for the initial application.
The program committee will make a decision to accept or reject titles by July 12, 2009, and the decision will be announced by e-mail to each author.
All accepted authors will then be required to submit 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscript for the proceedings in lieu of an abstract.
The book of proceedings will be handed out at the registration desk.
See “Proceedings” page for details of preparation and submission of manuscript for proceedings.
Accepted authors can also submit papers to reviewed journals (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Students can apply to the student awards at the same time as an application.
See “Student Awards” page for instructions.
Authors who needs a financial support can apply to the travel support at the same time as an application.
See “Support for Young Scientist” page for instructions.
Application for Post Deadline Papers
We would like to call for Post Deadline Papers of ALC'09.
The deadline of the application is shown below.
We will inform the notification of acceptance as soon as possible.
Application to the Symposium
Application Deadline
The deadline of the normal paper was passed.
New Application
If you are new to submit presentation information, click on the [New Application] button below.
A confirmation e-mail will be sent just after the submission, which includes uploaded information and an ID number.
Before an application, be sure that the secretariat e-mail (alc09(AT)jsps141.surf.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp; here ‘@’ is replaced by ‘(AT)’) does NOT filtered by your e-mail software.
Revise Submitted Information
To revise the submitted information, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Revise Submitted Information] button below.
Manuscripts for Proceedings
All authors of accepted contributions and invited speakers are asked to submit a 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscript for proceedings by deadline described below.
No distinction will be made between oral and poster presentations.
The book of proceedings will be handed out at the registration desk (for residents of Japan, it will be delivered prior to the symposium).
There is no reviewing for the proceedings and the distribution of the book is only limited to participants of the symposium and members of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis (the symposium sponsor).
It is planed that an electronic version of the book will be available on the ALC'09 web site (details will be announced by e-mails to authors).
Since the book is printed in black & whilte, color figures should be avoided as possible, or should be distinguishable without colors.
The electronic version can treat colors.
Authors can also submit papers to a reviewed journal (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Proceedings Deadline
How to Prepare a Manuscript for Proceedings
2 to 6 pages of camera-ready manuscript must be in clear English and typed within a rectangle 170 mm wide by 240 mm high (left/right/top/bottom margins of 20/20/27/30 mm on A4 paper). The required format is:
- Title (12-point, bold, Times New Roman or Times like font), centered at the top of the page.
- Author's name(s), affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail address of the corresponding author, centered below the title with one blank line using 10-point Times New Roman or Times like font. Underline the name of the corresponding author.
- 150 mm wide single column abstract text is placed below the e-mail address.
The abstract is in 9-point font and should be shorter than 200 words.
- Two columns (each column has 81 mm width and the column spacing is 8 mm) of body text should start after one blank line using 10-point Times New Roman or Times like font, including references and figure/table if necessary. Please use single line spacing.
- Color figures or photographs can be used, but please note that the book of proceedings will be printed in black and white.
- Page numbers should NOT be included.
- Convert the prepared file into PDF format using Adobe Acrobat or other compatible software. Other file types are NOT acceptable.
Templates for a Camera Ready Manuscript
You can use one of the following templates for preparation of a manuscript for proceedings.
How to Submit a Manuscript for Proceedings
Put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Submit a Manuscript] button below.
If you submit a manuscript twice, the last one overwrites the prior one.
Manuscripts for Reviewed Journals
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of “Surface and Interface Analysis” (SIA; Wiley) or “e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology” (e-JSSNT; SSSJ).
- i. Special issue of Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA)
This is a traditional hard copy journal published by Wiley InterScience.
This option is offered only for a paper with the maximum page length of 4 journal pages for contributed papers and 6 pages for invited ones.
Those who want to publish a longer review paper should contact to the publication committee prior to submission.
Since the pages of the special issue are limited, the publication committee will select papers to be accepted in SIA.
The paper will be published according to a normal publication procedure of SIA (see http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0142-2421/).
Only a corresponding author in the issue can receive a free issue copy.
- ii. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (e-JSSNT)
This is a non-paper version of scientific journal published by the Surface Science Society of Japan.
There are no page limitations and use of color figures.
All the papers including review papers will be peer-reviewed, and will be published in the e-JSSNT web site soon after being accepted.
Detailed information of e-JSSNT can be found at http://www.sssj.org/ejssnt/.
Authors can submit the same contents as the proceedings, however, submission format should follow respective instructions of journals which you want to submit.
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline
How to Prepare a Manuscript
Prepare your manuscript according to SIA or e-JSSNT instructions depending on which journal you want to submit to.
How to Submit a Manuscript
The commencing date of manuscript submission:
December 9 (Wed), 2009
Submit a Manuscript for SIA
Reviewing process for the special issue of SIA is different from a normal one.
You should submit the manuscript to the publication committee of this symposium via this web page but NOT the Wiley web site.
The manuscript can be prepared by Microsoft Word or LaTeX.
Read the following cautions for Word and LaTeX users before you submit a manuscript.
- MS Word Users
Submit a single DOC file which includes all text, figures and tables.
Figures and tables must be on separate pages after the references list, and not be incorporated into the main text.
SIA does not accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents (.docx) at this time.
Please use Word's “Save As” option to save your document as a .doc file type.
- LaTeX Users
- Submit a single PDF file which was generated from your source files.
The pdf file should include all text, figures and tables.
To submit your manuscript, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on a [Initial Submission for SIA] button below.
Results of the reviewing process will be sent to you by e-mail from one of editors.
A revised version of your manuscript, reply to the referee and comments to the editor should be sent by an e-mail directly to the relevant editor.
His/her e-mail address will be informed to you with the results of the reviwing process.
If you have any questions or query of your paper status, send e-mail to the editorial board (the address is shown below).
(‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’)
You will be requested to upload all source files when the reviewing process is finished.
Details will be notified via an e-mail from the publication committee.
Submit a Manuscript for e-JSSNT
- Before you start a submission procedure, please confirm that all fIle names do NOT include two-byte characters, diacritics and spaces.
- Visit <the e-JSSNT Submission Site> and choose “Submit Initial Manuscript”.
- Choose “Conference Proceedings” for Issue Type, and “Conference-ALC” for Paper Type.
- Fill in other fields as same as a normal submission, and proceed.
All reviewing and publication processes will be conformed with e-JSSNT procedure.
Please follow the instructions written in the e-JSSNT web site.
Presentation Instructions
Instructions for Oral Presentations
A PC projector is available for oral presentations.
Please bring your own laptop and connect it to our system during a break time prior to the session featuring your presentation.
Since the projector has a normal VGA connector (analog RGB), do not forget to bring a VGA adopter if your PC has a non-VGA (i.e. DVI, mini DisplayPort etc.) connector.
Please note that overhead projectors, 35mm slide projectors or any other presentation equipments are NOT available.
Presentation Duration
- Tutorial lectures: 60 min including discussion
- Plenary lectures: 50 min
- Invited oral presentations: 30 min including 5 min discussion
- Contributed oral presentations: 20 min including 5 min discussion
Instructions for Poster Presentations
- Poster boards are 120 cm in height and 240 cm wide
When preparing your poster, please include a program number, a title of your presentation and listed author(s).
A sign with your program number will be placed at the location where you are to display your work.
Please prepare pushpins by yourselves for mounting your poster on the board (changed from the previous announcement).
Presenters are requested to be present at (or near) their poster during the times scheduled for poster viewing.
Posters must be removed following your session by the presenting authors.
Please note that we cannot take responsibility for any posters left on the boards after the session.
Posters will be removed and discarded by the conference committee if they remain on the poster boards the next morning after the poster session.
Registration & Payment
Registration Fees
Registration fees are listed in the table below.
The regular registration fee includes a participation fee, a book of proceedings, and a manuscript submission fee.
The student fee includes a participation fee, and a manuscript submission fee.
No mixer and banquet fees are included in the regular and the student fees, however, participants can attend the mixer and the banquet for free with subsidies from our sponsors.
The accompanying person registration fee only includes social programs (the mixer and the banquet).
No excursion will be planned in the conference week by the conference committee.
Early Registration (before September 3) |
Late Registration (after September 4) |
Regular |
¥45,000 |
¥50,000 |
Student * |
¥25,000 |
¥30,000 |
Accompanying Person |
¥12,000 |
¥12,000 |
* Only for pre-doctoral students.
Please bring your student ID at the registration desk for confirmation.
How to Register
On-Line Registration
JTB GAIAREC, Inc. (former JTB Global Club, Inc.) has been appointed as the ALC ‘09 official registration office.
Participants wishing to register should apply online to reach ALC'09 Desk, JTB GAIAREC, Inc., no later than September 3 for early registration.
A credit card can be used for a payment.
Please see additional comments if you are a resident of Japan.
There are 4 steps to complete the registration procedure.
- Visit the JTB GAIAREC web site: Registration Site for ALC'09
- Put your personal information to get your ID for the registration system.
- Go to your personal page and choose ‘Registration’ tab for registration.
- Go to your personal page and choose ‘Payment’ tab for payment.
If you have some trouble on registration, please ask to the ALC'09 Desk of the JTB GAIAREC below.
ALC'09 Desk of the JTB GAIAREC, Inc.
Phone: +81-6-6344-8111
Fax: +81-6-6342-6505
E-mail: alc2009(AT)west.jtbglobal.co.jp
On-Site Registration
On-site registration (payment by cash) is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
All participants should register and pay through the JTB GAIAREC web site above.
Cancellation of Registration
In the event of cancellation of registration, 50 % of registration fee will be refunded if the cancellation notice was received by November 5, 2009.
No refund will be made if the cancellation notice was received after November 6, 2009.
Hotel Reservation
The organizing committee has booked rooms at the Westin Maui Resort & Spa (the symposium venue) for the conference period.
The room rates are $155 (run of house) – $185 (run of ocean).
The rates are so reasonable (nearly a half of standard rates) that all participants are encouraged to stay at the Westin Maui Resort & Spa.
A limited number of rooms are also booked 3 nights around the symposium period in the same rate.
Participants wishing to reserve the hotel should contact to the hotel via the special web site below and asking them a room for ALC'09 symposium.
The above group rates are available until November 6, 2009, subject to availability.
The hotel costs should be paid directly to the hotel.
To reserve your room,
- visit the hotel reservation site for ALC'09,
- read overview section at the bottom of the page,
- click on the “reserve” button and follow their instructions.
In addition to English, Japanese page is also available by choosing a language menu at the top of the page.
Do NOT use a normal reservation web site of the hotel, otherwise standard rates will be adopted.
In December 13, Honolulu Marathon, a major athletic event (expected number of participants is 20,000-30,000), will be held at Honolulu (O'ahu).
It is expected that hotels in Honolulu are completely booked around the event.
If you want to stay at Honolulu after the symposium, you can ask to the Westin Maui Resort & Spa for a room of their group hotels (STARTWOOD hotels).
The room fee for group hotels will be lower than the standard fee, but not so reasonable as shown above.
JSPS 141 Committee Award
The JSPS 141 Committee awards persons who have made the outstanding research on the microbeam analysis and gave the invaluable contribution to the JSPS 141 Committee.
Winners are commended to honorary members os the JSPS 141 Committee.
The winners in this time are
Prof. Dr. Gabor A. Somorjai (University of California at Berkeley)
“For the Development of Instruments that Enabled Exploration of Surface Chemistry
and Catalysis Science on the Atomic and Molecular Scale”
Prof. Dr. Harald Ibach (Research Center Jülich)
“For the Development of Novel Experimental Method, High Resolution
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and its Application to Surface Science”
Prof. Dr. Gabor A. Somorjai
During a period spanning almost four decades Professor Somorjai developed methods of research and instruments that enabled him to establish many of the important molecular features of surface chemistry and catalysis.
For this reason he is often called the Father of Modern Surface Chemistry.
The most significant accomplishments of Professor Somorjai are:
- Use of single crystal as models for studies of surface chemistry and catalysis.
- Low energy electron diffraction-surface crystallography.
- High pressure (atm) — low pressure (10−9 — 10−5 Torr) cells for combined surface analysis and catalytic reaction studies.
- Development of sum frequency generation surface vibrational spectroscopy for chemical applications.
- The high pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).
These accomplishments are extraordinarily creative and were original contributions to microbeam analysis and to the scope of JSPS 141st Committee.
He is also a very important person for the community of Japanese scientists in the fields of Chemistry and Physics.
He invited many young scientists as postdoctoral fellows or visiting professors to UC Berkeley during these 30 years.
He is a frequent attendee of this ALC conference and has encouraged young persons by giving valuable suggestions and stimulating discussion.
For the reasons described above, Professor Somorjai has been chosen as the Awardee for the JSPS 141st Committee Award at ALC 2009.
Prof. Dr. Harald Ibach
In 1970, Professor Harald Ibach developed a high-resolution-electron-energy-loss (HREEL) spectrometer.
Through the first spectrometer, he demonstrated how to detect the phonons localized at surfaces.
This had a tremendous impact on surface science world wide because it indicated clearly the existence of new huge research fields.
The energy resolution of 15 meV in the first spectrometer was unbelievably high in those years.
At that time, he was far ahead of the other research groups in the development race.
For instance, he improved the energy resolution step by step on the basis of his own idea together with endless reconstructions of the spectrometer.
As a result, he had great success as follows; 7 meV in 1974 by introduction of tooth-like structure on deflector surface, 6 meV in 1982 by construction of tandem spectrometers, 1.3 meV in 1986 from trajectory calculations including space-charge effects and 0.6 meV in 1995 by adaption of non-cylindrical deflectors.
By using the developed HREEL spectrometer, he clarified various surface processes of many kinds of molecules, which could not be solved. In addition, he found new phenomena relating with the surface phonons and magnons; for example, oxygen chemisorbed Ni(100), hydrogen-chemisorbed Mo(110), etc.
The detection of surface spin waves through his special HREEL spectrometer also gave us a strong impression in ALC’05.
These research achievements strongly influenced many scientists around the world and in Japan.
Secondly, many scientists came to his laboratory to collaborate to perform excellent works.
He established truly one of the most attractive research fields, which contributed greatly to big progress in surface science.
At present, his spectrometers are widely used as one of the most necessary instruments on the research front.
Lastly, he went to great effort to publish not only many scientific papers, but also tutorial textbooks concerning surface science, the electron spectrometer, and new methods of high resolution electron spectroscopy and solid state physics.
His publications have benefited large numbers of scholars in physics and material science throughout the world.
Of course, Japan is no exception.
On the basis of the above reasons, Professor Dr. Harald Ibach has been chosen as the awardee of the JSPS 141st Committee Award for the ALC conference this year.
Previous Laureates
ALC’07 (Kanazawa)
- Prof. Dr. Charles S. Fadley (University of California, Davis)
ALC’05 (Hawaii)
- Prof. Dr. Harald Rose (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
ALC’03 (Kauai)
- Dr. Oliver C. Wells (IBM Corporation)
- Prof. Dr. Ernst Bauer (Arizona State University)
- Dr. Akira Tonomura (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Student Awards
The Student Awards is designed to encourage young scientists to present their work.
The award will be given to a limited number (around 10) of students.
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation.
To apply for the Student Award, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a recommendation from your supervisor must be prepared.
The application form, including the abstract and the recommendation, can be written in English or Japanese.
A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application.
A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, June 16 (Tue).
The program committee will announce the winners on the website by the end of July.
Each winner will receive ¥60,000, which is only available to winners who attend the symposium and submit a manuscript for SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis).
Note that winners must still pay the registration fee.
The winners will give a short oral presentation (5 min) at the Symposium.
Templates for an Application to the Award
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
♦♦♦ Student Awards Winners ♦♦♦
- Abbas ALSHEHABI (Kyoto University)
- “Multilayer Nano-Characterization by a Portable Bremsstrahlung X-ray Reflectometer”
- Makiko FUJII (The University of Tokyo)
- “Development of Reconstruction Method for Highly Precise Shave-off Depth Profiling”
- Emelie HILNER (Lund University)
- “Influence of Au Nano Particles on the Self-Propelled Motion of Mesoscopic Droplets”
- Hideaki HOZUMI (Tohoku University)
- “Real-time Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of 3C-SiC Nucleation and Growth on Si (001) Surface by Carbonization with Ethylene”
- Daichi KAWANO (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- “Measurement of a Charge Distribution in the Specimen Chamber in a Scanning Electron Microscope”
- Yusuke KOBAYASHI (Mie University)
- “Nano-structure Formation onto a Tip of Field Gas Ion Emitter by Field-assisted Oxygen Etching”
- Yuki MORO (Yokohama National University)
- “Size Control of Mn-Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles and Their XAFS Spectra”
- Hiroaki TAKAHASHI (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- “Optical Second Harmonic Spectroscopy of the Electronic States of Stepped Rutile TiO2 (12 12 5) Surface Adsorbed with Formic Acid”
- Thomas YORISAKI (Waseda University)
- “CO Adsorption on LaB6 (111) and (100) Surface Investigated by RAIRS”
Travel Support for Young Scientists
A limited number of partial travel support is available for researchers under 40 years old (rough guideline) on this December.
Only those who are accepted for paper presentation and have financial difficulty in traveling will be considered for the support.
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation.
To apply for the Travel Support, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a statement of reason must be prepared.
A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application.
A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, June 16 (Tue).
The executive committee will strictly judge whether the application should be accepted or not, and a notification will be sent by an e-mail to the applicant by the end of July.
Accepted authors receive reimbursement of travel expenses up to ¥50,000 in cash, only available at the registration desk.
Templates for an Application to the Support
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
Scientific Program
Outline Schedule of the Symposium
Time |
Dec. 6 (Sun) |
Dec. 7 (Mon) |
Dec. 8 (Tue) |
Dec. 9 (Wed) |
Dec. 10 (Thu) |
Dec. 11 (Fri) |
Morning |
Tutorial |
Plenary |
Oral |
Oral |
Oral |
Oral |
Afternoon |
Tutorial |
Oral |
Oral |
Oral |
Evening |
Mixer |
Oral |
Poster |
Banquet |
Poster |
Detailed Schedule and Program
(Latest Update: 2009/11/18)
Social Programs
Mixer (Welcome Reception)
Dec 6 (Sun), 2009 18:00-20:00
Mixer at the symposium site will be held.
All participants can attend the mixer for free with subsidies from our sponsors.
Dec 9 (Wed), 2009 18:30-21:00
All participants can attend the banquet for free with subsidies from our sponsors.
Tropical beverage will be served throughout the banquet.
Traditional Hawaiian dinner buffet will be also attractive.
Detailed menu and time table of the banquet will be announced at the conference site.
No scientific sessions will be scheduled in the afternoon of December 9.
No excursion will be planned in the conference week by the conference committee.
Symposium Venue and Transportation
Location and Climate
ALC ‘09 will be held at the Westin Maui Resort & Spa, Hawaii, USA.
Maui is the second largest island of Hawaii and world-renowned as a place to visit.
The symposium venue (map) is located at Kaanapali Beach, on the west shore of Maui near the town of Lahaina.
The average temperature on Maui during the period of the symposium varies between 20 °C (low) and 28 °C (daytime high).
It rarely rains on the western side of Maui.
The hotel is located about 60 min drive (43 km) from Kahului airport (map).
For more detail, visit the Westin Maui Resort and Spa web site.
Sponsors & Supports
Organized and Sponsored by
Co-Sponsored by
Sponsored Sessions/Exhibitions
- JEOL Ltd.
- Kawai Lab., Kyoto University
- Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH
- JST-CREST/JAIST, Mizutani Lab.
- UNISOKU Co., Ltd.
- APCO Ltd.
- VG SCIENTA Co., Ltd.
- Nano Science Corporation
- FEI Company
- NTT-AT Nanofabrication Corporation
- Techno Pacific Corporation
Finaicially Supported by
Supported by
Presentation Materials of Tutorial Lectures
By special grace of all tutorial lecturers, the following presentation materials used in the 5 tutorial lectures in the ALC'09 symposium are open to the public.
These materials can be used as teaching tools for young scientists and engineers.
We would like to express a special gratitude to all lecturers.
Be sure to remember that a copyright of each document is kept by respective lecturer.
Please obtain agreement with lecturers when you want to reuse figures etc. in the documents.
Photo Gallery
Click on the picture below to browse the photo gallery.
Printed Matters
The following two PDF files are protected by a password.
Please find the password in a USB memory which was delivered to all participants.
Links to the Previous ALC Symposia
- ALC’07, Kanazawa, October 2007
- ALC’05, Hawaii (The Big Island), December 2005
- ALC’03, Hawaii (Kauai), October 2003
- ALC’01, Nara, November 2001
- ALC’97, Hawaii (Maui), 1997 (program only)
- ALC’96, Kyoto, 1996 (no web site exists)
Contact Address
Secretary of ALC’09
NTT Basic Research Lab., JAPAN
e-mail: alc09(AT)jsps141.surf.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp
(‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’)
(Do NOT attach a file to an e-mail to the secretary)
ALC ’09 Mailing List
To get latest information of the symposium, please subscribe the ALC’09 mailing list.
This ML is only for announcement from the secretariat but not for questions, discussions etc.
Subscribers can not post any message to the ML.
If you have questions, please contact to the above address of the secretary.
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Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis
of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)