The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface ScienceI S S N : 1348-0391
Layer-selective Optical Second-harmonic Generation Spectroscopy of a MoS2/WSe2 Heterobilayer
Yoshihiro Miyauchi et al.
Gold Nanostructures Produced on Several Types of Metals by Low-temperature Heating of Dry Residues of a Solution of HAuCl4 in Air
Shota Hada et al.
Developing a Machine-Learning-based Robotic System for Mixing Solvents
Jingmin Tang et al.
Comparison between Gold Nanoparticles Produced by Low-temperature Heating of Dry Residues of a Solution of HAuCl4 in Air and in a Low Vacuum
Naoya Kida et al.
Simultaneous Measurement of Oxygen Consumption Rate and Thermogenesis in Biological Systems for Non-equilibrium Energetics
Nuning Anugrah Putri Namari et al.
Real-time Image-based Control Technique of Single Crystal Tungsten Microtips in Electrochemical Corrosion
Sun Wanzhong et al.
In-situ Study of Solid-Liquid Interface Structure of Zinc-anode Battery by X-ray Total Reflection
Yasuhiro Takabayashi et al.
Sample Holder for Time Dependence Silver-decoration under Optical Microscope Observation
Akiko N. Itakura et al.
Time-of-Flight-type Photoelectron Emission Microscopy with a 10.9-eV Laser
Shunsuke Tsuda and Koichiro Yaji
Modulation of Surface Plasmon due to the Inhomogeneity of a One-Dimensional Linear Array of Gold Nanoparticles Observed by Optical Second-Harmonic Generation Microscopy
Development of a Photoemission Microscopy Apparatus Using a Vacuum Ultraviolet Laser
Koichiro Yaji and Shunsuke Tsuda
Developing a Simple Scanning Probe System for Soft X-ray Spectroscopy with a Nano-focusing Mirror
Hiroshi Ando et al.
Measurement of X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism by Rotating Polarization Angle of Soft X-ray Generated by a Segmented Cross Undulator
Yoshiki Kudo et al.
Separating Non-linear Optical Signals of a Sample from High Harmonic Radiation in a Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser
Toshihide Sumi et al.
Contrast Inversion of Photoelectron Spectro-microscopy Image
Seiji Makita et al.
Characterization and Control of Aluminum Oxide Thin Films Formed on Surfaces of FeCo-V Alloys
Motohiro Kasuya et al.
Ellipsometer Equipped with Multiple Mirrors for Element-selective Soft X-ray Experiments
Mihoko Araki et al.
Development of Nanoscale Thermocouple Probes for Local Thermal Measurements
Yohei Kakefuda et al.
Segmented Undulator for Extensive Polarization Controls in ≤1 nm-rad Emittance Rings
Iwao Matsuda et al.
Preparation of Silicon Monoxide Coatings on Aluminum Substrates
Krzysztof Jankowski and Agnes Ostafin
Development of a Convenient in situ UHV Scanning Tunneling Potentiometry System Using a Tip Holder Equipped with Current-Injection Wires
Tomonori Nakamura et al.
Development of Micro-Photoelectron Diffraction at SPring-8 BL25SU
Kenji Sugita et al.
In Situ Microfabrication and Measurements of Bi2Se3 Ultrathin Films in a Multichamber System with a Focused Ion Beam, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, and Four-Tip Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Naoya Fukui et al.
Surface Electrical Conductivity Measurement System with Micro-Four-Point Probes at Sub-Kelvin Temperature under High Magnetic Field in Ultrahigh Vacuum
Manabu Yamada et al.
Development of an UHV-SMOKE System Using Permanent Magnets
Yuto Niinuma et al.
Demonstration of Super-Resolution Microscopy Using a High Numerical-Aperture Oil-Immersion Objective Lens
Yoshinori Iketaki et al.
Dynamic electrochemical-etching technique for tungsten tips suitable for multi-tip scanning tunneling microscopes
Rei Hobara et al.
Hierarchic self-organization of J-aggregates in micrometer size discotic liquid crystal ‘domes’
Olaf Karthaus et al.
Variable-Temperature Micro-Four-Point Probe Method for Surface Electrical Conductivity Measurements in Ultrahigh Vacuum
Takehiro Tanikawa et al.