The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface ScienceI S S N : 1348-0391
Structure and Electronic State of Boron Atomic Chains on a Noble Metal (111) Surface
Yuki Tsujikawa et al.
Emerging Trends of Nanotechnology-Based Advanced Cosmeceuticals
Uzma Azeem Awan et al.
Angle-resolved Analysis Essential for Structure-sensitive Desorption Dynamics
Tatsuo Matsushima
Water in Vacuum Systems: Problems and Solutions
Leonid Gorkhover
Possible Magnetic Behaviors of 2D-Graphene (:H/N/Si) Materials: A Brief Review
Sekhar Chandra Ray
Methodologies of Graphene-based Sensing Material for Organophosphorus Compound
Ainnur Izzati Kamisan et al.
Sophisticated Double-Slit Interference Experiments Using Electron Waves
Ken Harada and Yoshio Takahashi
Electron Inelastic Scattering in Surface Analysis
Shigeo Tanuma
Progress of Surface and Interface Science Using Synchrotron Radiation
Toyohiko Kinoshita
Advances in Tribology Driven by Surface Science
Shinya Sasaki
From Inorganic to Organic Surfaces: Progress of Soft Nanotechnology
Kaoru Tamada
Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopy Research
Tomihiro Hashizume
Hydrogen-Ti3+ Complex as a Possible Origin of Localized Electron Behavior in Hydrogen-Irradiated SrTiO3
Takashi U. Ito
Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction at Multinuclear Metal Active Sites Inspired by Metalloenzymes
Masaru Kato and Ichizo Yagi
Surface Chemistry of Carbon Dioxide on Copper Model Catalysts Studied by Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Takanori Koitaya et al.
Real-time Observation of Interface Atomic Structures by an Energy-Dispersive Surface X-ray Diffraction
Tetsuroh Shirasawa
Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Its Extensions for Spectral Image Data Analysis
Motoki Shiga and Shunsuke Muto
A Surface Science Approach to Unveiling the TiO2 Photocatalytic Mechanism: Correlation between Photocatalytic Activity and Carrier Lifetime
Kenichi Ozawa et al.
Superlubricity of MoS2 at Submicron Scale
Kouji Miura
Synthesis of Graphene-based Materials for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Applications
Seiya Suzuki
Review on Fabrication of Graphene Nanoholes
P. A. Silpa and N. M. Sivamangai
Manipulation of Organic Molecules in Ambient Condition and Liquid Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Tomohide Takami
Growth, Quantum Confinement and Transport Mechanisms of Ge Nanodot Arrays Formed on a SiO2 Monolayer
Yasuo Nakayama et al.
Angle-Resolved Measurements of Rotational and Vibrational Energies of Product CO2 in Catalytic CO Oxidation on Pd Surfaces
Toshiro Yamanaka
Atomic Force Microscopy Utilizing SubAngstrom Cantilever Amplitudes
Hideki Kawakatsu et al.
Chains of crystalline-Si nanospheres: growth and properties
Hideo Kohno and Seiji Takeda
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Multiwall Nanotube under Interlayer Sliding
Seiji Akita and Yoshikazu Nakayama
Synthesis of Nanostructured Hybrid between Carbon Nanotube and Inorganic Material towards Nanodevice Application
Mitsuhiro Katayama et al.
Atomic and electronic structures of metal induced Si(111)-(3×1) reconstructed surfaces
Kazuyuki Sakamoto and R. I. G. Uhrberg
Metal-induced gap states at insulator/metal interfaces
Manabu Kiguchi and Koichiro Saiki
Quantum-Well States in Ultra-Thin Metal Films on Semiconductor Surfaces
Iwao Matsuda et al.
Creation of conjugated polymer nanowires through controlled chain polymerization
Yuji Okawa and Masakazu Aono
Surface Phases and Processes on Si Surface
Victor G. Lifshits et al.
Atomic depth distribution analysis and growth dynamics of metals on metal-covered Si(111) surfaces studied by incident-angle-dependent RHEED-TRAXS (total-reflection-angle x-ray spectroscopy)
Ab initio calculation of surface nonlinear optical response
H. Sano and G. Mizutani
Magic nanoclusters of group III metals on Si(100) surface
V. G. Kotlyar et al.
Organized Molecular Assemblies: Creation and Investigation of Their Functional Properties
Sergey M. Repinsky