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ALC '24
15th International Symposium on Atomic Level
Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '24
November 17 (Sun) – 22 (Fri), 2024
Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN |
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Ask of answer to a queryExcursion, Banquet, and Name Plate were financially supported by Demonstration Project for the Enhanced Impact of Hosting International Conferences supported by the Japan Tourism Agency. In order to obtain the full support, we would like to ask all of you to answer a query by the Japan Tourism Agency.
ALC'24 Poster
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The series of international symposia entitled “Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices (ALC)” started in 1996 with the meeting in Kyoto, Japan. The ALC symposia focus on practical applications of atomic level characterization (both atomic dimensions and energy levels) of new materials and devices, including bio- and organic materials as well as inorganics. Descriptions of new applications and instrumentation for various analytical techniques of surface and interface analysis are solicited in these symposia. The goal is to promote stimulating discussions among researchers specializing in different probe methods. The symposium also encourages discussion of fundamental problems to be solved in the further development of atomic level characterization of materials, including approaches based on theory and simulations.
The 2nd ALC symposium was held at Maui (Hawaii) in 1997, the 3rd one at Nara (Japan) in 2001, the 4th at Kauai (Hawaii) in 2003, the 5th Kailua-Kona (Hawaii) in 2005, the 6th at Kanazawa (Japan) in 2007, the 7th at Maui (Hawaii) in 2009, the 8th at Seoul (Korea) in 2011, the 9th at Kona (Hawaii) in 2013, the 10th at Matsue (Japan) in 2015, 11th at Kauai (Hawaii) in 2017, and the 12th at Kyoto(Japan) in 2019.
In 2020, the organizer of this symposium was transferred from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) to the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS). The first meeting after the change of organizer was originally scheduled to be held in Okinawa as ALC'21, however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was postponed to 2022 as ALC'22. Instead, the 13th ALC'21 was held online as a pre-meeting for ALC'22. After a year of postponement, the 14th face-to-face ALC was held at Okinawa (Japan) in 2022.
Shimane Prefecture is situated in the northern region of Western Japan, facing the Sea of Japan. It stretches widely from east to west, with the Oki islands located north of its shores. The land is blessed with riches both from the Sea of Japan and from the Chugoku mountain range.
Shimane's history is so vast and deep that it first appeared in some of Japan's oldest mythology. There are various legends and folklores found everywhere in Shimane, and the culture and traditions related to those legends are still alive in people's daily life. Shimane is also famous as the place where myriads of Japanese gods gather to hold annual meetings about our relationships or “go-en.” Thus, Shimane is known as "The land of go-en" or “The land of the gods.”
The exact place where the myriads of Japanese gods gather is Izumo Ooyashiro (Izumo Grand Shrine), located in eastern Shimane. In the 10th month of the lunar calendar, all of the gods gather there. In addition to the gathering of the gods, many people around Japan visit there to pray as well. In eastern Shimane, there are more tourist destinations, such as Matsue, which is the capital and a former castle town, and the Adachi Museum of Art, ranked at 3 stars in the Michelin Guide.
You can find useful information on Shimane in the following URL.
Shimane Prefectural Convention Center locates near the Matsue station and it takes about 10 min on foot. The nearest airport is Izumo airport. There are several domestic flights from Tokyo (Haneda), Osaka (Itami), Sendai, Shizuoka, Nagoya and Fukuoka to Izumo airport. Another airport, Yonago airport, is also available and there are flights from Tokyo (Haneda), and Seoul (Incheon) to Yonago airport. There are bus transportations from Izumo and Yonago airports to Matue station, the operation times of which are adjusted to the arrival and departure times of each flight. It takes about 30 and 45 minutes from Izumo and Yonago airports to Matue station, respectively.
Please refer to the following link for access detail.
- Prof. Dr. Roland WIESENDANGER (University of Hamburg)
- “Atom-by-Atom Fabricated Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems as Ideal Platforms for Realizing Topological Superconductivity and Associated Majorana Zero Modes ”
- Prof. Taro Hitosugi (The University of Tokyo)
- “Self-driving Experiments Based on Machine Learning and Robots”
- Prof. Hiroshi DAIMON (Institute for Molecular Science)
- “2D photoelectron spectroscopy from 3D atomic orbital/atomic arrangement analysis to holography microscopy”
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Scheffler (Fritz Haber Institute)
- “Data-Centric Materials Science”
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Greber (Physik-Institut der Universitat Zurich)
- “Wafer scale boron nitride outside the vacuum”
- Toru Akiyama (Mie University, Japan)
- “Computational approach for reaction process at 4H-SiC/SiO2 interface”
- Michael Altman (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
- “Two-dimensional layers for substrate passivation and screening”
- Satoshi Anada (Japan Fine Ceramics Center, Japan)
- “Structural and Morphological Instability of Supported Gold Nanoparticles Revealed by Atomic Resolution TEM with Information Science (ARTEMIS)”
- Kazuto Arakawa (Shimane University, Japan)
- “In-situ TEM of defect dynamics in iron”
- Kenta Arima (Osaka University, Japan)
- “Graphene-based flakes: From unique electronic structures to application to catalyst-assisted chemical etching”
- Chi Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
- “Revealing the Local Band Evolution of WS2/MoS2 Heterojunction and Graded Alloy by Near-Field Optical Imaging”
- Iulia Cojocariu (Univeristy of Triste, Italy)
- “Momentum-resolved electronic properties of molecular-based hybrid interfaces”
- Martina Corso (Centro de Fisica de Materiales, Spain)
- “Exploring the electronic structure and functionality of porous and chiral graphene nanoribbons”
- Arnaud Delcorte (Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
- “SIMS beyond chemistry with large gas cluster ion scattering”
- Fabio Donati (Ewha Womans University, South Korea)
- “Addressing sub-meV interactions and multi-orbital configurations with X-ray absorption spectroscopy”
- Rafal Dunin-Borkowski (Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany)
- “Electron Wavefront Shaping and Measurement in the Transmission Electron Microscope”
- Michael Durr (Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen, Germany)
- “Bond-specific fragmentation of biomolecules induced by MeV ion beams”
- Rolf Erni (Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)
- “Metallic nanoparticles: their formation in liquid phase and their behavior in catalytic systems”
- Karl-Heinz Ernst (Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)
- “Enantioselective adsorption on magnetic surfaces”
- Jens Falta (University of Bremen, Germany)
- “Micro-spectroscopy with Low-Energy Electrons”
- Shadi Fatayer (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabi)
- “Probing and tuning active molecular layers in organic devices with scanning probe microscopy”
- Michael Foerster (Alba Synchrotron Light Facility, Spain)
- “Strain driven magnetization dynamics in XPEEM”
- Hirokazu Fujiwara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Nondestructive imaging of CMOS process compatible HfO2-based ferroelectric devices: Laser-based PEEM”
- Seungwu Han (Seoul National University, South Korea)
- “SevenNet: a pretrained universal machine learning interatomic potentials”
- Shuji Hasegawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Dynamical Intercalation Processes in Graphene and Physical Properties”
- Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- “Investigating The Interactions Between Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Electrons”
- Michael Horn-von Hoegen (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- “Interplay of Kinetic Limitations and Disintegration: Selective Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Borophene Monolayers on Metal Substrates”
- Peter Hommelhoff (Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany)
- “Nanophotonic electron acceleration and shaping: opportunities and challenges for electron-based imaging”
- Naoki Hosogi (JEOL Ltd., Japan)
- “Introduction of several applications with cryo TEM”
- Hiroshi Imada (RIKEN, Japan)
- “Single-molecule investigation of field-matter interaction”
- Katsuya Iwaya (UNISOKU Co., Ltd., Japan)
- “Next-generation time-resolved scanning probe microscopy”
- Pavel Jelinek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
- “Resolving anisotropic charge and spin using a functionalized SPM probe”
- Nan Jiang (University of Illinois Chicago, USA)
- “Angstrom-scale Characterization of Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Materials via Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”
- Shigeki Kawai (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
- “Syntheses of Heteroatom-Substituted and Three-Dimensional Nanocarbon Materials on Surfaces”
- Naoyuki Kawamoto (NIMS, Japan)
- “Thermal conductivity measurements by nanothermocouple in pulsed STEM”
- Anna M. Kotowska (University of Nottingham, UK)
- “Surface analysis of macromolecules enabled by gas cluster ion beams”
- Yugo Kubo (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Japan)
- “Nanoscale Chemical States at the Transition Metal-Polyimide Interface: Full XPS and ToF-SIMS Depth Profiles”
- Makoto Kuwahara (Nagoya University, Japan)
- “Time-Resolved Transmission Electron Microscopy Using Pulsed Electrons Emitted from Semiconductor Photocathode”
- Christian Linsmeier (Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany)
- “Making a brittle material ductile: Tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten as a plasma-facing material for fusion devices”
- Wencong Lu (Shanghai University, China)
- “Materials design based on machine learning”
- Axel Lubk (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden), Germany)
- “Exploring and Exploiting Magnetic Textures in Two and Three Dimensions by Electron Holography and Tomography”
- Edvin Lundgren (Lund University, Sweden)
- “Surface sensitive studies of the electrolyte-electrode interface”
- Layla Mehdi (University of Liverpool, UK)
- “Controlled Dose Strategies for Quantitative In-Situ STEM”
- Goro Miyamoto (Tohoku University, Japan)
- “Quantitative characterization and prediction of solute segregation at α-Fe grain boundary”
- Teruyasu Mizoguchi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Machine learning for EELS/XAFS and materials generation”
- Yoshimichi Namai (Mitsui Chemical Analysis & Consulting Service Inc., Japan)
- “Surface and interfacial structure of polymer for composite materials evaluated by nanoscale analysis methods (SPMs, AFM-IR and STEM-EELS)”
- Kayla X. Nguyen (University of Oregon, USA)
- “New Direct Electron Imaging Techniques for Quantum Materials”
- Ranming Niu (The University of Sydney, Australia)
- “Understanding Hydrogen Embitterment in Steels Using Cryogenic Atom Probe Tomography”
- Takahiro Ozawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Analysis of hydrogen location in metal lattice as probed by Channeling NRA”
- Jeong Young Park (KAIST, Korea)
- “Operando Surface Science Studies for Designing Advanced Nanocatalysts”
- Jerzy T. Sadowski (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
- “Silicene-graphene heterostructure fabrication via interface epitaxy”
- Miquel B. Salmeron (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., USA)
- “In-vitro study of protein self assembly and electrical double layer structure at solid-electrolyte interfaces”
- Wolf-Dieter Schneider (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland)
- “The Kondo effect at the atomic and molecular level: Historical remarks and novel developments”
- Naoya Shibata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy in a Magnetic-Field-Free Environment”
- Takahiro Shimojima (Nagoya University, Japan)
- “Visualizing the dynamics of nanomaterials by ultrafast transmission electron microscope”
- Yoshiaki Sugimoto (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- “Spin-induced lattice distortion in physisorption systems revealed by SPM”
- Shijing Tan (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
- “Imaging H2O splitting and C-H activation with single-chemical-bond precision”
- Geoff Thornton (University College London, UK)
- “Structure of electrolyte interfaces with oxide surfaces”
- Olena Tkach (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat, Germany)
- “Investigation of the Electronic and Geometric Structure of Materials using Photoelectron Momentum Microscopy”
- Christian Tusche (Research Center Julich, Germany)
- “Advanced spin-resolving momentum microscopy: from magnetism to topology”
- Wolf Widdra (Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
- “From hexagonal honeycombs to dodecagonal quasicrystals in 2D materials”
- Tom Wirtz (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg)
- “Magnetic Sector SIMS Systems for FIB Platforms: New Developments, Applications, and Prospects”
- Koichiro Yaji (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
- “Imaging-type spin-resolved photoemission microscopy at NIMS”
- Susumu Yamamoto (Tohoku University, Japan)
- “Operando observation of photo-excited carriers and molecules on catalytic surfaces using time-resolved XPS”
- Hirofumi Yanagisawa (Shizuoka University, Japan)
- “Subnanometric optical control of single molecular electron sources”
- Fehmi Sami Yasin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
- “Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy Methods for Observing Magnetic Texture Dynamics and Three-dimensional Structure”
- Han Woong Yeom (POSTECH, Korea)
- “Atomic-scale characterization of topological excitations in correlated transition metal dichalcogenides”
- Ryo Yoshida (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)
- “Scalability of Growing Computational Database in Sim2Real Materials Informatics”
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JEOL Ltd. |
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UNISOKU Co., Ltd. |
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PASCAL Co., Ltd. |
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HORIBA, Ltd. |
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Hitachi High-Tech Corporation |
Sponsorship of ALC'24 symposium comes with the opportunity for substantial exposure to a focused audience. If you are interested in sponsorship, please download the detailed explanation and application form below to learn more.
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The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund |
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Demonstration Project for the Enhanced Impact of Hosting International Conferences supported by the Japan Tourism Agency |
Chair: | Hiroshi Daimon (IMS) |
Member: | M.S. Altman, F. Aumayr, E. Bauer, W. Eberhardt, K.-H. Ernst, H. Freund, K. Fukutani, F.J. Giessibl, T. Greber, S. Hasegawa, T. Hasegawa, Y. Homma, T. Koshikawa, J. Matsuo, R. Oiwa, H. Petek, Y. Saito, M. Scheffler, W.D. Schneider, H. Shigekawa, M. Sugiyama, T. Takeuchi, G. Thornton, R. Wiesendanger, H.W. Yeom |
Chair: | Katsuyuki Fukutani (University of Tokyo) |
Member: | J. Falta, D. Fujita, T. Hasebe, H. Hibino, M. Horn-von Hoegen, T. Kohashi, E. Lundgren, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, T. Sakamoto, A.K. Schmid, M. Setou, S. Shiraki, S. Suzuki, Y. Takakuwa, W.-X. Tang, Y. Watanabe, T. Yasue, H. Yurimoto |
Co-chair: | Susumu Shiraki (Nippon Institute of Technology), Tsuneo Yasue (Osaka Electro-Communication University) |
Vice-chair: | I. Matsuda, J. Matsuo |
Advisor: | S. Aoyagi, T. Hasegawa |
Secretariat: | S. Nagai, S. Ninomiya |
Member: | S. Awata, M. Fujii, T. Hara, S. Imashuku, A. Kumatani, H. Nakahara |
Co-chair: | Yutaka Miyatake (Unisoku), Hisayoshi Yurimoto (Hokkaido University) |
Advisor: | R. Oiwa, T. Sato |
Secretariat: | Y. Fukushima, T. Ozawa |
Member: | M. Ota, A. Takano, S. Toyoda, K. Tsutsumi |
Chair: | Hiroki Hibino (Kwansei Gakuin University) |
Vice-chair: | S. Imashuku, F. Matsui |
Advisor: | T. Kondo, K. Yanagiuchi |
Secretariat: | S. Awata, N. Nagamura |
Member: | K. Dohmae, A. L. Foggiatto, H. Fukidome, K. Harada, Y. Hasegawa, H. Kageshima, Y. Kawano, T. Kitamura, K. Kuroda, T. Minato, K. Mitsuishi, T. Miyamachi, K. Moritani, T. Nagatomi, S. Ninomiya, T. Ohkochi, T. Sakamoto, J. Sameshima, M. Setou, R. Shimizu, T. K. Shimizu, M. Sugiyama, A. Takano, T. Takeuchi, T. Tanigaki, S. Toyoda, K. Yaji, J. Yamasaki, S. Yamazaki |
Chair: | Teruo Kohashi (Hitachi) |