Secondary Electron Database

About the Secondary Electron Database

This database is the collection of secondary electron spectra which have been acquired over many years by Dr. Keisuke Goto by using the absolute Auger spectrometer* developed by himself. When he was working for the Research Institute of Instrumentation Frontier of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, these spectra was compiled into the database under consignment from the 141 Committee on Microbeam Analysis, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

This database contains data on secondary electron spectra and secondary electron yields from more than 100 kinds of materials. Examples of the sample selection screen, spectrum display screen, and secondary electron yield graph screen of this database are shown below (click to enlarge).

*References to the absolute Auger spectrometer and related measurements

  1. K. Goto, “Standard Auger spectra taken with standard CMA”, J. Surf. Anal. 1, 162-165 (1995).
  2. K. Goto and Y. Takeuchi, “Absolute Auger Electron Spectra Obtained bya Novel Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer”, J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn. 17, 417-422, (1996).
  3. K. Goto and Y. Takeuchi, “Carbon reference Auger electron spectra measured with a high‐performance cylindrical mirror analyzer”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14(3), 1408-1414 (1996).
  4. K. Goto, “Reference Electron Energy Spectra for Quantitative Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES): Cu(100), (110), and (111)”, Microsc. Microanl. 3, 1067-1068 (1997).
  5. K. Goto, H. Iwata and Y. Sakai, “Measurements of Absolute Auger Electron Yield (I) —A New Design of CMA—”, J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 31, 906-912 (1988).

Terms and Conditions

When using this secondary electron database, please agree to all the following items and comply with the contents.

How to Access to the Database

Access to this database is free of charge. However, you must register your information prior to use the database. It is considered that you have agreed to the terms of use by registering.

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Contact Info

If you have some questions or comments on this database, please contact to the secretariat of the Division of Microbeam Analysis, JVSS (

The Division of Microbeam Analysis, JVSS