ALC ’17
11th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations
for New Materials and Devices ’17
December 3 (Sun) – 8 (Fri), 2017
Aqua Kauai Beach Resort, Kauai, HI, USA
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 14:15 JST)
Update History
- Online proceedings was published. The access ID and password are written in the abstract book handed at the registration desk (see page i, general information).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/12/5, 5:52)
- The scientific program was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/11/29, 16:54)
- Hotel reservation deadline was extended to November 18.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/11/4, 18:06)
- The scientific program was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/10/31, 14:10)
- Final program of the symposium was published.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/10/12, 19:44)
- Hotel reservation web site for ALC participants was opened.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/10/12, 19:45)
- Due to the delay on acceptance notice and preliminary program, early registration deadline was extended to October 6.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/10/12, 19:45)
- We are preparing a preliminary program and acceptance letters. The preliminary program will be published at September 11th. Sorry for inconvenience.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/8/18, 15:17)
- Due to setting mistake, the abstract submission page was temporary disabled from July 11th 0:00 to July 11th 14:20 JST. Now it was reopened and we will gladly accept abstract submission.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/7/11, 16:51)
- Invited speakers list were updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/6/28, 9:20)
- Abstract submission deadline was extended to July 14th, 2017!
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/6/23, 18:16)
- Abstract submission deadline is fast approaching: June 23rd, 2017!
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2017/6/16, 15:36)
- ALC'17 web site was officially opened to public.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2016/11/28, 11:31)
Important Dates
Abstract (<150 words) Deadline: |
July 14 (Fri), 2017 |
Preliminary Program: |
September 11 (Mon), 2017 |
Early Registration Deadline: |
October 6 (Fri), 2017 |
Proceedings (duty*) Deadline: |
October 27 (Fri), 2017 |
Hotel Reservation Deadline: |
November 18 (Sat), 2017
(Subject to availability) |
Symposium: |
Dec 3 (Sun) - 8 (Fri), 2017 |
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline: |
January 12 (Fri), 2018 |
* Authors submitting no proceedings manuscripts will be judged to have withdrawn their papers.
About ALC Symposia
The series of international symposia entitled “Atomic Level Characterization (ALC)” started in 1996 with the meeting in Kyoto, Japan under the auspices of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The ALC symposia focus on practical applications of atomic level characterization (both atomic dimensions and energy levels) of new materials and devices, including bio- and organic materials as well as inorganics.
Descriptions of new applications and instrumentation for various analytical techniques of surface and interface analysis are solicited in these symposia.
The goal is to promote stimulating discussions among researchers specializing in different probe methods.
The symposium also encourages discussion of fundamental problems to be solved in the further development of atomic level characterization of materials, including approaches based on theory and simulations.
The 2nd ALC symposium was held at Maui (Hawaii) in 1997, the 3rd one at Nara (Japan) in 2001, the 4th at Kauai (Hawaii) in 2003, the 5th Kailua-Kona (Hawaii) in 2005, the 6th at Kanazawa (Japan) in 2007, the 7th at Maui (Hawaii) in 2009, the 8th at Seoul (Korea) in 2011, the 9th at Kona (Hawaii) in 2013, and the 10th at Matsue (Japan) in 2015.
It is time to gather again for ALC'17, which is planned to be held in Kauai, Garden Island in Hawaii.
The official language of the symposium is English.
Scientific Topics
The sessions will cover the following topics:
- Fundamental Phenomena
- electron/ion/photon -solid interactions
- emission phenomena of light, electrons, and ions
- Characterization by Electrons / Ions / Infrared / Ultraviolet / X-rays
- AES / XPS / XPED / EPMA / ISS / MEIS / RBS / SIMS / IR / etc.
- Imaging Techniques
- SPM / FIM / TOF-SIMS / optical molecular imaging / ultrafast imaging / etc.
- Applications for Nanotechnology
- nanowires / nanotubes / nanoparticles / graphene and 2D materials
- solid-solid / solid-liquid interfaces
- Advanced Materials Characterization
- spintronics materials
- environmental and advanced energy materials
- biological and medical systems
- cosmic and terrestrial materials
- Special Sessions
- Surface modifications of 2D materials
- Operando spectroscopy and ambient pressure measurements
- 3D holographic imaging and characterizations of active atomic sites
- Tutorials
Invited Speakers
JSPS 141 Committee Award Lectures
- Prof. Hans-Joachim FREUND (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
- “The Surface Science of Catalysis and More, Using Ultrathin Oxide Films as Templates: A Perspective”
- Prof. Wolf-Dieter SCHNEIDER (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
- “A Small World”
- Prof. Peter VARGA (CEITEC BUT)
- “Artificially Controlled Graded Magnonic Structures on FeNi Films by FIB”
Tutorial Lecture
- Prof. Chuhei OSHIMA (Waseda University)
- “Extreme-High-Vacuum Technology and High-Energy-Resolution Electron Spectroscopy”
Plenary Lectures
- Dr. Tetsuya ISHIKAWA (RIKEN)
- “New Trends in Atomic Level Characterization with Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers”
- Prof. Yahachi SAITO (Nagoya University)
- “Field Emission from carbon nanotube and graphene: Its Application and Related Phenomena”
- Prof. Matthias SCHEFFLER (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
- “Big-Data Routes for Atomic-Level Characterization of Novel Materials”
Invited Speakers
- Prof. Michael ALTMAN (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- “Oxide Thin Film Growth for Application in Au Nanoparticle Catalysis”
- Prof. Friedrich AUMAYR (TU Wien)
- “Femtosecond Electronic Response of Graphene to the Strong and Localized Electric Field of a Highly Charged Ion”
- Prof. Peter BAUER (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
- “Electronic Stopping of Protons in Metals and in Metal Oxides”
- Dr. Boklae CHO (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
- “Vacuum Characteristics of Low-Carbon Steels and its Application to a Field Emission Electron Gun”
- Prof. Wolfgang EBERHARDT (DESY)
- “Research for the Energy System of the Future”
- Prof. Karl-Heinz ERNST (Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)
- “Helical Molecules at Surfaces: Selective Chemistry and Molecular Machines”
- Prof. Franz GIESSIBL (University of Regensburg)
- “Influence of External Forces on the Vibrational Modes of an Adsorbed Molecule”
- Prof. Thomas GREBER (University of Zurich)
- “Taming 4f Electrons in Endohedral Single Molecule Magnets”
- Prof. Torgny GUSTAFSSON (Rutgers University)
- “Nano-Scale Ion Beam Analysis and Applications to Biological Systems”
- Prof. Terumitsu HASEBE (Tokai University)
- “Fluorine Incorporated Amorphous Carbon nano-coatings for Artificial Heart (Ventricular Assist Device)”
- Prof. Tetsuya HASEGAWA (The University of Tokyo)
- “N and O K-Edge Linearly Polarized X-Ray Absorption near Edge Structure of Ta-Based Oxynitride Thin Films”
- Prof. Shuji HASEGAWA (University of Tokyo)
- “Atomic-Layer Superconductors”
- Prof. Michael HORN VON HOEGEN (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- “Optically Excited Structural Transition in Atomic Wires on Surfaces at the Quantum Limit: a Femtosecond Ultrafast Surface Electron Diffraction Study”
- Prof. Ing-Shouh HWANG (Academia Sinica)
- “High-Brightness Electron and Ion Sources Based on Thermally Stable Nanoemitters”
- Prof. Aleksander JABLONSKI (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- “Parameterization of Quantitative Applications of Electron Spectroscopies”
- Dr. Xiuguang JIN (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- “Development of High Performance Spin-Polarized Photocathode and Its Application”
- Prof. Hee Jae KANG (Chungbuk National University)
- “Applications of Electron Spectroscopy to Oxide Thin Film Devices”
- Dr. Tadahiro KAWASAKI (Japan Fine Ceramics Center)
- “Development of a New Cs-Corrector with Electrostatic Field Formed by Annular and Circular Electrodes”
- Prof. Frank MEYER ZU HERINGDORF (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- “Subfemtosecond Dynamics of Orbital Angular Momentum in Nanoplasmonic Spirals”
- Dr. Kazuhide NAGASHIMA (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- “First 10 Million Years of the Solar System Revealed by Micro-Analyses of Primitive Meteorites using SIMS”
- Dr. Takamasa NONAKA (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
- “Synchrotron Radiation-Based X-Ray Characterization of Li-Ion Battery”
- Dr. Ichiro OHNISHI (JEOL Ltd.)
- “Analytical and in-situ Applications using Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope”
- Prof. Daniel PRIMETZHOFER (Uppsala University)
- “Ion-Solid Interaction Studied by TOF-MEIS: from Electronic Excitations to Photon and Particle Emission”
- Prof. Harald ROSE (University of Ulm)
- “Prospects and Results of Aberration-Corrected Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy — the SALVE Project”
- Dr. Andreas SCHMID (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- “Imaging and Tailoring Chiral Magnetism in Epitaxial Multilayers”
- Prof. Claus SCHNEIDER (Research Center Juelich)
- “A New Spin on Photoemission”
- Prof. Toshio SEKI (Kyoto University)
- “Ambient Secondary Ion Mass Analysis with MeV-Energy Heavy Ion”
- Prof. Mitsutoshi SETOU (International Mass Imaging Center)
- “Quantum Technology Based Life Science”
- Prof. Shigeru SUZUKI (Tohoku University)
- “Microscopic Distribution of Different Elements in Stainless Steels Analyzed by Bi Cluster TOF-SIMS”
- Dr. Jun TAKAHASHI (Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation)
- “Application of Atom Probe Tomography to Fundamental Issues of Steel Materials”
- Prof. Sen TAKEDA (University of Yamanashi)
- “Reductionism Converged into Artificial Intelligence: Mass Spectrometry Based-Diagnosis of Cancer”
- Prof. Wen-Xin TANG (Chongqing University)
- “Progress on Developing Ultrafast Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Microscopy”
- Dr. Toshiaki TANIGAKI (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- “New Visions by High Voltage Electron Holography”
- Prof. Wolf WIDDRA (Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
- “Photoemission and Double Photoemission with Femtosecond High-Harmonic Laser Radiation”
- Prof. Roland WIESENDANGER (University of Hamburg)
- “Bottom-Up Construction and Atomic-Level Characterization of Spin Chains on Superconducting Substrates for Topological Quantum Computation”
- Prof. Yoshiteru YASUDA (HORIBA, LTD.)
- “Introduction of Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and its Applications”
- Prof. Masaaki YASUDA (Osaka Prefecture University)
- “Computational Study of Temperature Distribution in Electron-Irradiated Graphene”
Invited Speakers for Speciall Session
— Characterizations of Water at Surface and Interface —
- Prof. Robert CARPICK (University of Pennsylvania)
- “The Strong Effect of Water on Friction at the Nano Scale”
- Prof. DaeWon MOON (DGIST)
- “Investigation of Liquid Interface Structure with Ion Beam Analysis”
- Prof. Hiroharu YUI (Tokyo University of Science)
- “Vibrational Spectroscopic Study on the Phase Transition of Water in Nanospaces and at Interfaces”
Invited Speakers for Speciall Session
— 3D Atomic Visualization and Characterization of Functionally Active Site —
- Prof. Charles FADLEY (University of California Davis)
- “Determining Atomic and Electronic Structure in Complex Materials and Heterostructures with Element- and Site- Specificity”
- Prof. Mikk LIPPMAA (University of Tokyo)
- “Local Dopant Site Structure Analysis in Perovskite Titanates”
- Dr. Tomohiro MATSUSHITA (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
- “Principles of Atomic Resolution Holography and New Atomic Image Reconstruction Algorithm”
- Prof. Geoff THORNTON (University College London)
- “Atomic Level Structure of the Interface between Titanium Oxides and Liquid Water”
Committee Members
International Advisory Committee
Y. Homma (chair)
E. Bauer, C.S. Fadley, H. Freund, T. Gustafsson, H. Ibach, J. Kirschner, T. Koshikawa, H. Lichite, J. Matsuo, S. Morita, H. Neddermeyer, Y. Nihei, C. Oshima, C.J. Powell, H. Rose, Y. Saito, M. Scheffler, C. Schneider, W.-D. Schneider, R. Shimizu, G.A. Somorjai, G. Thornton, P. Varga, D.B. Williams
Organizing Committee
Y. Saito (chair)
M.S. Altman, F. Aumayr, H. Daimon, K.-H. Ernst, D. Fujita, K. Goto, T. Gustafsson, H. Hibino, A. Ichimiya, S. Ichimura, H.J. Kang, J. Kawai, K. Kimura, T. Kohashi, T. Koshikawa, M. Kudo, A. Locatelli, G. Mizutani, K. Morita, Y. Nihei, K. Obori, R.Oiwa, C. Oshima, A.K. Schmid, M. Setou, H. Shimoyama, S. Suzuki, Y. Takakuwa, S. Taniguchi, Y. Takai, S. Tanuma, Y. Watanabe, J.F. Watts, W. Widdra, H.W. Yeom, H. Yurimoto
Steering Committee
J. Matsuo (chair)
K. Obori (vice-chair) / R. Oiwa (vice-chair) / S. Shiraki (vice-chair)
T. Hayasaka (secretariat) / H. Nakahara (secretariat) / S. Ninomiya (secretariat) / S. Suzuki (secretariat)
Y. Abe, S. Awata, H. Daimon, K. Dohmae, Y. Goto, S. Hashimoto, Y. Hori, S. Imashuku, T. Imazawa, H. Ishii, H. Iwai, T. Jach, S. Kakehashi, Y. Kawano, M. Kiuchi, A. Kurokawa, H. Masudome, H. Murata, S. Nagai, M. Nojima, E. Nomura, M. Owari, Y. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, J. Sameshima, H. Sawaragi, K. Shiozawa, I. Sugimoto, A Takano, T. Takeuchi, K. Tanaka, S. Taniguchi, K. Yanagiuchi, J. Yoshii
Finance Committee
T. Sato (chair)
S. Awata (vice-chair) / K. Sasakawa (vice-chair) / R. Oiwa (vice-chair)
K. Miyazaki, E. Nomura, Y. Ominami, K. Shingu
Program Committee
H. Yurimoto (chair)
Y. Takai (vice-chair) / K. Yanagiuchi (vice-chair)
H. Hibino (advisor) / T. Koshikawa (advisor) / C. Oshima (advisor)
S. Nagai (secretariat) / K. Tanaka (secretariat)
K. Asakura, T. Hasebe, T. Hirayama, J. Kawai, K. Kimura, T. Kohashi, S. Morita, T. Nagatomi, S. Tanuma
Publication Committee
T. Yasue (chair)
G. Mizutani (vice-chair) / M. Takeguchi (vice-chair)
S. Aoyagi (secretariat) / F. Matsui (secretariat)
Y. Fujii, S. Ichimura, A. Kurokawa, R. Shimizu, S. Suzuki
Call for Papers
We encourage the submission of papers describing work related to the symposium topics.
Each contributor should submit a talk title, brief abstract (text only, within 150 words) and contact information via the ALC'17 web site by an application deadline shown below.
The program committee will make a decision to accept or reject titles by September 11, 2017, and the decision will be announced by e-mail to each author.
The submitted brief abstract will be appeared on a program book.
All accepted authors are then required to submit 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscripts for the proceedings. Authors submitting no proceedings manuscripts will be judged to have withdrawn their papers.
The book of proceedings is not a publication. The books are handed out at the registration desk only to the participants.
See “Proceedings” page for details of preparation and submission of manuscript for proceedings.
Accepted authors can also submit papers to reviewed journals (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Students and young scientists can apply to the student awards and/or the excellent presentation awards at the same time as an application.
See “Excellent presentation Awards” pages for instructions.
Authors who needs a financial support can apply to the travel support at the same time as an application.
See “Support for Young Scientist” page for instructions.
Abstract Deadline (Regular Papers)
Abstract Submission
New Application
If you are new to submit presentation information, click on the [New Application] button below.
A confirmation e-mail will be sent just after the submission, which includes uploaded information and an ID number.
Before an application, be sure that the secretariat e-mail (alc17(AT)jsps141.surf.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp; here ‘@’ is replaced by ‘(AT)’) does NOT filtered by your e-mail software.
Revise Submitted Information
To revise the submitted information, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Revise Submitted Information] button below.
Revisions of the submitted information should be made before the abstract deadline.
Revisions sent after the deadline will be ignored.
Manuscripts for Proceedings
All authors of accepted contributions and invited speakers are asked to submit a 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscript for proceedings by deadline described below.
No distinction will be made between oral and poster presentations.
The proceedings will appear on this home page.
The password to access the proceedings papers will be announced only to the participants of ALC'17.
Authors submitting no proceedings manuscripts
will be judged to have withdrawn their papers.
There is no reviewing for the proceedings and the distribution is only limited to participants of the symposium and members of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis (the symposium sponsor).
Authors can also submit papers to a reviewed journal for publication (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Proceedings Deadline
How to Prepare a Manuscript for Proceedings
2 to 6 pages of camera-ready manuscript must be in clear English and typed within a rectangle 170 mm wide by 240 mm high (left/right/top/bottom margins of 20/20/27/30 mm) on A4 paper (NOT US letter). The required format is:
- Title (12-point, bold, Times New Roman or Times like font), centered at the top of the page.
- Author's name(s), affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail address of the corresponding author, centered below the title with one blank line using 10-point Times New Roman or Times like font. Underline the name of the corresponding author.
- 150 mm wide single column abstract text is placed below the e-mail address.
The abstract is in 9-point font and should be shorter than 200 words.
- Two columns (each column has 81 mm width and the column spacing is 8 mm) of body text should start after one blank line using 10-point Times New Roman or Times like font, including references and figure/table if necessary. Please use single line spacing.
Color figures are available.
- Page numbers should NOT be included.
- Convert the prepared file into PDF format using Adobe Acrobat or other compatible software. Other file types are NOT acceptable.
Templates for a Camera Ready Manuscript
You can use one of the following templates for preparation of a manuscript for proceedings.
How to Submit a Manuscript for Proceedings
Put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Submit a Manuscript] button below.
If you submit a manuscript twice, the last one overwrites the prior one.
Manuscripts for Reviewed Journals
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of “Surface and Interface Analysis” (SIA; Wiley) or “e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology” (e-JSSNT; SSSJ).
- i. Special issue of Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA)
This is a traditional hard copy journal published by Wiley InterScience. This option is offered only for a paper with the maximum page length of 4 journal pages (about 4000 words) for contributed papers and 6 journal pages (about 6000 words) for invited ones including figures and tables. Figures and tables should be counted as 250 words equivalent each at normal size. Abstract should not exceed 250 words. Since the pages of the special issue are limited, the publication committee will select papers to be accepted in SIA. The paper will be published according to a normal publication procedure of SIA (see http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-9918. Only a corresponding author in the issue can receive a free issue copy.
- ii. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (e-JSSNT)
This is a non-paper version of scientific journal published by the Surface Science Society of Japan.
There are no page limitations and use of color figures.
All the papers including review papers will be peer-reviewed, and will be published in the e-JSSNT web site soon after being accepted.
Detailed information of e-JSSNT can be found at http://www.sssj.org/ejssnt/.
Authors can submit the same contents as the proceedings, however, submission format should follow respective instructions of journals which you want to submit.
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline
How to Prepare a Manuscript
Prepare your manuscript according to SIA or e-JSSNT instructions depending on which journal you want to submit to.
How to Submit a Manuscript
Submit a Manuscript for SIA
Reviewing process for the special issue of SIA is different from a normal one.
You should submit the manuscript to the publication committee of this symposium via this web page but NOT the Wiley web site.
The manuscript can be prepared by Microsoft Word or LaTeX.
Read the following cautions for Word and LaTeX users before you submit a manuscript.
- MS Word Users
Submit a single DOC file which includes all text, figures and tables.
Figures and tables must be on separate pages after the references list, and not be incorporated into the main text.
SIA does not accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents (.docx) at this time.
Please use Word's “Save As” option to save your document as a .doc file type.
- LaTeX Users
- Submit a single PDF file which was generated from your source files.
The pdf file should include all text, figures and tables.
To submit your manuscript, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on a [Initial Submission for SIA] button below.
Results of the reviewing process will be sent to you by e-mail from one of editors.
A revised version of your manuscript, reply to the referee and comments to the editor should be sent by an e-mail directly to the relevant editor.
His/her e-mail address will be informed to you with the results of the reviwing process.
If you have any questions or query of your paper status, send e-mail to the editorial board (the address is shown below).
(‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’)
You will be requested to upload all source files when the reviewing process is finished.
Details will be notified via an e-mail from the publication committee.
Submit a Manuscript for e-JSSNT
- Before you start a submission procedure, please confirm that all file names do NOT include two-byte characters, diacritics and spaces. Detailed information for manuscript preparation is here.
- Visit <J-STAGE manuscript submission site> and login to the web system. Please create your account first if you have never logged in before. Instruction for the web submission is here.
- Choose “Conference paper” for Manuscript Type, and “Conference-ALC” for Conference name.
- Fill in other fields as same as a normal submission, and proceed.
All reviewing and publication processes will be conformed with e-JSSNT procedure.
Please follow the instructions written in the e-JSSNT web site.
Presentation Instructions
Instructions for Oral Presentations
A PC projector is available for oral presentations. Please bring your own laptop and connect it to our system during a break time prior to the session featuring your presentation. Since the projector has a normal VGA connector (analog RGB), do not forget to bring a VGA adopter if your PC has a non-VGA (i.e. HDMI, DVI, mini DisplayPort etc.) connector. Please note that overhead projectors, 35mm slide projectors or any other presentation equipment is NOT available.
Presentation Duration
- Tutorial lectures: 60 min including discussion
- Plenary lectures: 50 min including discussion
- Invited oral presentations: 30 min including 5 min discussion
- Contributed oral presentations: 20 min including 5 min discussion
Instructions for Poster Presentations
- Effective size of a poster board is 1150 mm in hight and 950 mm in width (A0 sized poster is recommended).
See an illustration for detail.
When preparing your poster, please include a program number, a title of your presentation and listed author(s). A sign with your program number will be placed at the location where you are to display your work.
Presenters are requested to be present at (or near) their poster during the times scheduled for poster viewing.
Posters must be removed following your session by the presenting authors. Please note that we cannot take responsibility for any posters left on the boards after the session. Posters will be removed and discarded by the conference committee if they remain on the poster boards the next morning after the poster session.
Registration & Payment
Registration Fees
Registration fees are listed in the table below.
Early Registration (until October 6) |
Late Registration (after October 7) |
Regular Participant |
¥50,000 |
¥60,000 |
Student Participant * |
¥25,000 |
¥30,000 |
Accompanying Person † |
¥12,000 |
¥12,000 |
* If you are registered as a student, please bring your student ID at the registration desk for confirmation.
† Fees for children of age less than or equal to 6 years old are waived, however, registrations are required.
The regular and student registration fee includes a participation fee, a book of abstracts, an electronic version of
proceedings (PDF download), and a manuscript submission fee.
None of social program (mixer and banquet) fees are included in the regular and the student fees.
However, ALC participants can attend these social programs for free of charge with subsidies from our sponsors.
The accompanying person registration fee only includes the social programs.
Cancellation Policy
In the event of cancellation of registration, 50% of registration fee will be refunded if the cancellation notice was received by October 6 (the bank transfer fee shall be borne by the participants).
No refund will be made if the cancellation notice was received after October 7.
It should be noted that all refunds will be made after the symposium.
On-Line Registration
All participants should register through the ALC'17 offcial registration site (the registration site is operated by JTB Corp.).
First of all, click on the [ALC'17 Registration & Payment] link below and access to the registration site.
If you are new to use the registration system, begin with “Next” button to create your account.
If you already have an account for the system, begin with “Log-In” button.
For more detail, read and consult the instruction in the registration site.
- Application ID (a number which was supplied for your presentation) is NOT a log-in ID for the registration system (AMARYS-JTB). You should make a new log-in ID when you first access to the registration system.
- To reap a benefit of early registration fee, you must complete your payment procedure before the deadline. Payments after the deadline will be treated as late registrations.
- Once you submitted your registration information, you can not revise or cancel the information by yourself. In case of revision/cancellation, contact to a person in charge of the site operator (JTB Corp.).
- ALC secretariat is NOT in charge of the registration trouble. All questions and requests about the registration and payment should be sent to a person in charge of the site operator (JTB Corp.).
Off-Line/On-Site Registrations are NOT acceptable!
Both of off-line and on-site registrations are NOT acceptable.
All participants should be registered via the registration site.
Even if you want to register at the symposium site, you must access to the registration site and pay on-line.
Paying by cash is not accepted.
Hotel Reservation
How to Make a Hotel Reservation
- visit the hotel reservation site,
- click the “More Options” button on the [BOOK YOUR STAY] window,
- put ‘ALC’ in the “Group Code” field, (it is essential for obtaining group rates shown below)
- choose Check-in/out dates and number of rooms/persons,
- click the “CHECK AVAILABILITY” button and proceed your reservation.
- Reservations must be made prior to November 3, 2017 in order to obtain the group rate. Reservations made after the reservation cut-off date will be made on a space available basis at the hotel’s current guest room rate.
- The hotel will require a one-night room deposit plus applicable taxes at the time of reservation.
- Reservations cancelled within 30 days of arrival and any no-shows are subject to a one (1) night’s room and applicable taxes penalty.
Room Rates for ALC Participants
Group rates (excluding taxes, fees and meals) for ALC participants are as follows.
The breakfast fee includes tax and gratuity.
Room Type (King Bed) | Single/Double | Options |
Mountain Garden View | $149.00/night |
Extra bed: $40.00/night Breakfast: $20.00/meal |
Deluxe Mountain Garden View | $159.00/night |
Pool/Ocean View | $169.00/night |
Deluxe Pool/Ocean View | $179.00/night |
Lanai Ocean View | $189.00/night |
Deluxe Lanai Ocean View | $199.00/night |
Excellent Presentation Award
Excellent Presentation Award Winners
- Dr. Yuji KUNISADA (Hokkaido University)
“Atomic scale characterization of brownmillerite oxides: A combined study using STEM-EELS and first-principles calculation”
- Dr. Koji KIMURA (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
“Local structural analysis of In doped Bi2Se3 topological insulator using X-ray fluorescence holography”
- Dr. Noboru TAGUCHI (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
“Lithium analysis in Li-ion battery materials by SEM-based approach”
- Dr. Takafumi ISHIDA (Nagoya University)
“Development of a voltage applying and heating specimen holder for observation of solid oxide fuel cell's reactions in environmental TEM”
Student Awards
Award Winners
The following 7 students won the Student Award of ALC'17.
Each winner will receive ¥25,000, which is only available to winners who attend the symposium and submit their manuscript to the special issue of Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA).
Note that winners must still pay the registration fee.
Each winner should have a short oral presentation (5 min) in the morning of December 4.
- Mr. Jonas Evertsson (Lund University)
“The Effect of Anodizing Potential and Electrolyte Composition
on the Ordering of Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Studied Operando using GTSAXS”
- Mr. Yusuke Hashimoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
“Surface Structure Analysis and Atomic-Sites and Valences Separation of Spinel-Type Fe Oxide”
- Ms. Akiyo Ozawa (Osaka City University)
“Chemical State and Stability of Nitrogen Doped in NaTaO3”
- Mr. Kota Shihommatsu (Tokyo University of Science)
“Elementary Excitation of Secondary Electron in Graphene on Nickel”
- Ms. Emi Takeo (Osaka University)
“Aldosterone Specific Visualization in Primary Aldosteronism using Imaging Mass Spectrometry”
- Mr. Takahiro Yonezawa (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
“Atomistic Study of GaSe/Ge(111) Interface Formed through Van Der Waals Epitaxy”
- Mr. Yue Zhao (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
“Observation of Spider Silk by Femtosecond Pulse Laser Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy”
Travel Support for Young Scientists
A limited number of partial travel support is available for researchers under 40 years old (rough guideline) on December 2017.
Only those who are accepted for paper presentation and have financial difficulty in traveling will be considered for the support.
Students are ineligible for this support (students can apply to the Students Awards).
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation.
To apply for the Travel Support, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a statement of reason must be prepared.
A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application.
A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, July 14 (Fri).
The steering committee will strictly judge whether the application should be accepted or not, and a notification will be sent by an e-mail to the applicant by the end of August.
Accepted authors receive reimbursement of travel expenses up to ¥50,000 in cash, only available at the registration desk and are obligated to submit their manuscript to the special issue of Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA).
Templates for an Application to the Support
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
Scientific Program
Time Slot of the Symposium
Detailed Program
Social Programs
Mixer (Welcome Reception)
Dec 3 (Sun), 2017; 18:00-20:00 (tentative)
All participants can attend the mixer for free with subsidies from our sponsors, however, you and your accompanying persons need a reservation to attend the mixer via the registration web site.
Place of the mixer will be announced at the registration desk.
Group Photo
The group photo will be taken after the morning session on Wednesday (Dec. 6).
Details about the group photo will be announced at the registration desk.
Dec 6 (Wed), 2017; 18:00-21:00 (tentative)
All participants can attend the banquet for free with subsidies from our sponsors, however, you and your accompanying persons need a reservation to attend the banquet via the registration web site.
Place of the banquet will be announced at the registration desk.
Instead of the excursion program, no scientific session will be scheduled on Wednesday afternoon.
Symposium Venue
ALC'17 will be held at Aqua Kauai Beach Resort located in Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
Kauai is geologically the oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands.
You can find useful information on Aqua Kauai Beach Resort and Kauai Island in the following URLs.
Location, Transportation and Climate
Aqua Kauai Beach Resort located on the eastern shores of the gorgeous Garden Isle, about 5 km from Lihue Airport on Kauai Island.
Beautiful 25-acre property is nestled in an oceanfront country setting and centrally located near Lihue.
There is a complimentary shuttle between the hotel and Lihue Airport.
Please contact the hotel for availability of the shuttle.
The “Garden Island” of Kauai is the furthest north of Hawaii's main islands, making it slightly cooler than the others.
The typical summer daytime high is in the range of 28-30 °C, the nighttime low is typically 21-22 °C, and the fall temperatures are only slightly different from those in the summer.
Sponsors & Supports
Host Organization
Joint Sponsors
Exhibitions & Advertisements
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Financial Supports
Group Photo
Click on the above image to get original sized image (19MB).
Conference Photos
The other conference photos will be upload later.
Online Proceedings
The login ID and the password are written in the page i (general information) of the abstract book.
Printed Matters
Links to the Previous ALC Symposia
- ALC’15, Matsue, October 2015
- ALC’13, Hawaii (The Big Island), December 2013
- ALC’11, Seoul, May 2011
- ALC’09, Hawaii (Maui), December 2009
- ALC’07, Kanazawa, October 2007
- ALC’05, Hawaii (The Big Island), December 2005
- ALC’03, Hawaii (Kauai), October 2003
- ALC’01, Nara, November 2001
- ALC’97, Hawaii (Maui), 1997 ([group photo])
- ALC’96, Kyoto, 1996 ([group photo])
Contact Address
Secretary of ALC’17 Steering Committee
Nippon Institute of Technology, JAPAN
e-mail: alc17(AT)jsps141.surf.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp
(‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’)
(Do NOT attach a file to an e-mail to the secretary)
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Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis
of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)