ALC ’13
9th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations
for New Materials and Devices ’13
December 2 (Mon) – 6 (Fri), 2013
Sheraton Kona, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 14:01 JST)
Abstract (<150 words) Deadline: | June 23 (Sun), 2013 |
Preliminary Program: | July 27 (Sat), 2013 |
Early Registration Deadline: | September 17 (Tue), 2013 |
Proceedings (duty*) Deadline: | October 10 (Thu), 2013 |
Hotel Reservation Deadline: | October 31 (Thu), 2013 (Subject to availability) |
Symposium: | Dec 2 (Mon) - 6 (Fri), 2013 |
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline: | January 9 (Thu), 2014 |
* Authors submitting no proceedings manuscripts will be judged to have withdrawn their papers.
The series of international symposia entitled “Atomic Level Characterization” (ALC) started in 1996 with the meeting in Kyoto, Japan under the auspices of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The ALC symposia focus on practical applications of atomic level characterization (both atomic dimensions and energy levels) of new materials and devices, including bio- and organic materials as well as inorganics. Descriptions of new applications and instrumentation for various analytical techniques of surface and interface analysis are solicited in these symposia. The goal is to promote stimulating discussions among researchers specializing in different probe methods. The symposium also encourages discussion of fundamental problems to be solved in the further development of atomic level characterization of materials, including approaches based on theory and simulations.
The 2nd ALC symposium was held at Maui (Hawaii) in 1997, the 3rd one at Nara (Japan) in 2001, the 4th at Kauai (Hawaii) in 2003, the 5th on the big island of Hawaii in 2005, the 6th at Kanazawa (Japan) in 2007, the 7th at Maui (Hawaii) in 2009, and the 8th at Seoul(Korea) in 2011. It is time to gather again for ALC'13, which is planned to be held in the big island of Hawaii.
The official language of the symposium is English.
The sessions will cover the following topics:
T. Koshikawa (chair)
E. Bauer, C.S. Fadley, H. Freund, B.J. Griffin, M. Hibino, H. Ibach, T. Ichinokawa, J. Kirschner, H. Lichite, S. Maruse, D. Menzel, S. Morita, H. Neddermeyer, D. Newbury, Y. Nihei, C. Oshima, H. Rose, Y. Saito, W.-D. Schneider, R. Shimizu, G.A. Somorjai, T.T. Tsong, P. Varga, D.B. Williams
Y. Saito (chair)
M.S. Altman, M. Asari, F. Aumayr, H. Daimon, K.-H. Ernst, K. Goto, T. Gustafsson, M. Hashimoto, S. Hayashi, M. Hibino, Y. Homma, A. Ichimiya, S. Ichimura, H.J. Kang, J. Kawai, Y. Kido, K. Kimura, J. Kobayashi, T. Kohashi, T. Koshikawa, M. Kudo, A. Locatelli, G. Mizutani, K. Morita, Y. Nihei, K. Obori, C. Oshima, A.K. Schmid, H. Shimoyama, S.A. Song, S. Suzuki, M. Takai, Y. Takakuwa, H. Takenaka, S. Tanuma, G. Thornton, H. Tokumoto, Y. Watanabe, J.F. Watts, W. Widdra, N. Yamamoto, H.W. Yeom
G. Mizutani (chair)
T. Sato (vice-chair), R. Oiwa (vice-chair)
M. Suzuki (secretary)
S. Awata, K. Dohmae, M. Doi, Y. Fujikawa, Y. Goto, K. Hata, T. Hayasaka, H. Hibino, R. Iiyoshi, H. Iwai, T. Jach, M. Kiuchi, T. Kohashi, A. Kurokawa, H. Masudome, M. Nagoshi, H. Nakahara, K. Nakamura, M. Nojima, E. Nomura, M. Owari, T. Sakamoto, Y. Takakuwa, T. Takeuchi, K. Tanaka, T. Tanaka, M. Tomita, M. Tomita, K. Yanagiuchi, H. Yoshikawa, S. Nagai, Y. Kawano, H, Murata
K. Miyazaki (chair)
R. Oiwa (vice-chair)
E. Nomura, K. Obori, K. Sasakawa, T. Sato, K. Shingu, A. Yasaka
J. Matsuo (chair)
M. Setou (vice-chair), T. Yasue (vice-chair)
C. Oshima (advisor), S. Aoyagi (secretary)
T. Ando, K. Asakura, H. Daimon, T. Hasebe, T. Hirayama, Y. Homma, K. Kamei, J. Kawai, K. Kimura, T. Kohashi, T. Koshikawa, M. Kudo, K. Obori, M. Owari, Y. Takai, S. Tanuma
H. Yurimoto (chair)
Y. Takai (vice-chair)
T. Sakamoto (secretary), S. Shiraki (secretary)
T. Eto, Y. Fujii, T. Ikuta, A. Kurokawa, T. Nagatomi, R. Shimizu, S. Suzuki
Post-deadline papers reporting the latest and significant achievements in Atomic Level Characterizations can be accepted for presentation at ALC’13. The deadline of the application is in August 31 as shown below.The formats of Abstract and Proceedings should follow the same as for the regular submission. Please refer to the subsection [New Application] below. Review result will be notified as soon as possible.
August 31 (Sat), 2013 |
We encourage the submission of papers describing work related to the symposium topics. Each contributor should submit a talk title, brief abstract (within 150 words) and contact information via the ALC'13 web site by an application deadline shown below. The program committee will make a decision to accept or reject titles by July 27th, 2013, and the decision will be announced by e-mail to each author.
All accepted authors are then required to submit 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscripts for the proceedings. Authors submitting no proceedings manuscripts will be judged to have withdrawn their papers. The book of proceedings is not a publication. The books are handed out at the registration desk only to the participants. See “Proceedings” page for details of preparation and submission of manuscript for proceedings.
Accepted authors can also submit papers to reviewed journals (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Students and young scientists can apply to the student awards and/or the excellent presentation awards at the same time as an application. See “Excellent presentation Awards” pages for instructions.
Authors who needs a financial support can apply to the travel support at the same time as an application. See “Support for Young Scientist” page for instructions.
June 23 (Sun), 2013 |
If you are new to submit presentation information, click on the [New Application] button below. A confirmation e-mail will be sent just after the submission, which includes uploaded information and an ID number. Before an application, be sure that the secretariat e-mail (alc13(AT); here ‘@’ is replaced by ‘(AT)’) does NOT filtered by your e-mail software.
To revise the submitted information, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Revise Submitted Information] button below.
All authors of accepted contributions and invited speakers are asked to submit a 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscript for proceedings by deadline described below. No distinction will be made between oral and poster presentations. The proceedings will be published by electronic version (in USB memory) and will be handed out at the registration desk.
Authors submitting no proceedings manuscripts will be judged to have withdrawn their papers. |
There is no reviewing for the proceedings and the distribution of the book is only limited to participants of the symposium and members of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis (the symposium sponsor).
Authors can also submit papers to a reviewed journal (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
October 10 (Thu), 2013 |
2 to 6 pages of camera-ready manuscript must be in clear English and typed within a rectangle 170 mm wide by 240 mm high (left/right/top/bottom margins of 20/20/27/30 mm) on A4 paper (NOT US letter). The required format is:
You can use one of the following templates for preparation of a manuscript for proceedings.
Put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Submit a Manuscript] button below. If you submit a manuscript twice, the last one overwrites the prior one.
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of “Surface and Interface Analysis” (SIA; Wiley) or “e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology” (e-JSSNT; SSSJ).
Authors can submit the same contents as the proceedings, however, submission format should follow respective instructions of journals which you want to submit.
January 9 (Thu), 2014 |
Prepare your manuscript according to SIA or e-JSSNT instructions depending on which journal you want to submit to.
The commencing date of manuscript submission: December 2 (Mon), 2013 |
Reviewing process for the special issue of SIA is different from a normal one. You should submit the manuscript to the publication committee of this symposium via this web page but NOT the Wiley web site.
The manuscript can be prepared by Microsoft Word or LaTeX. Read the following cautions for Word and LaTeX users before you submit a manuscript.
Results of the reviewing process will be sent to you by e-mail from one of editors. A revised version of your manuscript, reply to the referee and comments to the editor should be sent by an e-mail directly to the relevant editor. His/her e-mail address will be informed to you with the results of the reviwing process. If you have any questions or query of your paper status, send e-mail to the editorial board (the address is shown below).
alc13-editor(AT) (‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’) |
You will be requested to upload all source files when the reviewing process is finished. Details will be notified via an e-mail from the publication committee.
All reviewing and publication processes will be conformed with e-JSSNT procedure. Please follow the instructions written in the e-JSSNT web site.
A PC projector is available for oral presentations. Please bring your own laptop and connect it to our system during a break time prior to the session featuring your presentation. Since the projector has a normal VGA connector (analog RGB), do not forget to bring a VGA adopter if your PC has a non-VGA (i.e. DVI, mini DisplayPort etc.) connector. Please note that overhead projectors, 35mm slide projectors or any other presentation equipment is NOT available.
When preparing your poster, please include a program number, a title of your presentation and listed author(s). A sign with your program number will be placed at the location where you are to display your work. Please prepare pushpins by yourselves for mounting your poster on the board (changed from the previous announcement).
Presenters are requested to be present at (or near) their poster during the times scheduled for poster viewing. Posters must be removed following your session by the presenting authors. Please note that we cannot take responsibility for any posters left on the boards after the session. Posters will be removed and discarded by the conference committee if they remain on the poster boards the next morning after the poster session.
Registration fees are listed in the table below.
Early Registration (until September 17) |
Late Registration (after September 18) |
Regular | ¥45,000 | ¥50,000 |
Student * | ¥25,000 | ¥30,000 |
Accompanying Person | ¥12,000 | ¥12,000 |
* Only for pre-doctoral students. Please bring your student ID at the registration desk for confirmation.
The regular registration fee includes a participation fee, a book of proceedings, and a manuscript submission fee. The student fee includes a participation fee, and a manuscript submission fee. No mixer and banquet fees are included in the regular and the student fees. However, ALC participants can attend the mixer and the banquet for free with subsidies from our sponsors. The accompanying person registration fee only includes social programs (the mixer and the banquet). No excursion will be planned in the conference week by the conference committee.
Participants wishing to register should apply online through the registration site for ALC'13 in KNT (Kinki Nippon Tourist) system, no later than September 17 for early registration.
Visit the KNT web site: Registration Site for ALC'13
On-site registration (payment by cash) is NOT ACCEPTABLE. All participants should register and pay online through the Reegistration Site for ALC'13.
Now, the Sheraton Kona released the rooms, which has been blocked for the ALC’13 participants, to the public. Those who want to reserve a room at the Sheraton Kona, please contact:
Secretary of ALC’13 Steering Committee Motofumi SUZUKI Kyoto University, JAPAN e-mail: alc13(AT) (‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’) (Do NOT attach a file to an e-mail to the secretary) |
The Excellent Presentation Awards are designed to encourage scientists under 40 years old (rough guideline) on December 2013 to present their work. The award will be given to a limited number (around 5) of applicants.
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation. To apply for the Excellent Presentation Award, please check off an item "Apply to the Excellent Presentation Awards" when you submit your abstract.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, June 23 (Sun). You can also apply for the student award if you are a student, but you will not win both.
The program committee will announce the winners at the closing ceremony. Winners must submit a manuscript for SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis).
The Student Awards are designed to encourage students to present their work. The award will be given to a limited number (around 5) of students.
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation. To apply for the Student Award, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a recommendation from your supervisor must be prepared. The application form, including the abstract and the recommendation, can be written in English or Japanese. A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application. A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, June 23 (Sun). You can also apply for the excellent presentation award, but you will not win both.
The program committee will announce the winners on the website by (around the end of October). Each winner will receive ¥25,000, which is only available to winners who attend the symposium and submit a manuscript for SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis). Note that winners must still pay the registration fee. The winners will give a short oral presentation (5 min) at the Symposium.
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
A limited number of partial travel support is available for researchers under 40 years old (rough guideline) on December 2013. Only those who are accepted for paper presentation and have financial difficulty in traveling will be considered for the support. Students are ineligible for this support (students can apply to the Students Awards).
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation. To apply for the Travel Support, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a statement of reason must be prepared. A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application. A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, June 23 (Sun).
The steering committee will strictly judge whether the application should be accepted or not, and a notification will be sent by an e-mail to the applicant by the end of January.
Accepted authors receive reimbursement of travel expenses up to ¥45,000 in cash, only available at the registration desk and are obligated to submit their manuscript to Special issue of Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA).
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
Time | Dec. 1 (Sun) | Dec. 2 (Mon) | Dec. 3 (Tue) | Dec. 4 (Wed) | Dec. 5 (Thu) | Dec. 6 (Fri) |
Morning | Plenary | Plenary/Oral | Tutorial | Plenary/Oral | Oral | |
Afternoon | Oral | Oral | Oral | |||
Evening | Mixer | Oral | Poster | Banquet | Poster |
Program download
Dec 1 (Sun), 2013 18:00-20:00 |
Mixer at the symposium site will be held. All participants can attend the mixer for free with subsidies from our sponsors.
Dec 4 (Wed), 2013 18:00-22:00 |
All participants can attend the banquet for free with subsidies from our sponsors. Tropical beverage will be served throughout the banquet. Traditional Hawaiian dinner buffet will be also attractive.
Detailed menu and time table of the banquet will be announced at the conference site.
No scientific sessions will be scheduled in the afternoon of December 4.
No excursion will be planned in the conference week by the conference committee.
The symposium will be held at the Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay, about 25 km from the Kona International Airport at Keaholeon Hawaii's Big Island. The resort sits on the Kona Coast and features 10 acres of oceanfront properties. The “Big Island” of Hawaii has a mild and temperate climate, relatively free from uncomfortable extremes. The average temperature on Kona during the period of the symposium varies between 18 °C (low) and 26 °C (daytime high). The warm, tropical rain falls primarily at night and helps to make the island a lush, green community with fresh air and many waterfalls.
It takes about 40 minutes (~$60) by taxi from the Kona Airport. There is no other public transportation from the airport. For more detail, visit the Sheraton Kona web site.
You need a password to open following PDF files which is written in a USB memory handed at the reception desk of the symposium.
Click on the group photo to open the index page.
The following two movies of the Hula lesson at banquet were kindly offered by Prof. Fadley.
Secretary of ALC’13 Steering Committee Motofumi SUZUKI Kyoto University, JAPAN e-mail: alc13(AT) (‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’) (Do NOT attach a file to an e-mail to the secretary) |
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Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) |