ALC ’11
8th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations
for New Materials and Devices ’11
May 22 (Sun) – 27 (Fri), 2011
Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 14:01 JST)
What's New
- ♦ Documents & Links; UPDATED
- By special grace of all tutorial lecturers, the presentation materials used in the 3 tutorial lectures in the ALC'11 symposium are open to the participants.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/7/15, 14:39)
- ♦ Deadline of Reviewed Journals: EXTENDED
- We would like to postpone the deadlines of submission of manuscripts for the special issue of ALC11 in SIA and e-JSSNT until July 31.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/6/30, 16:49)
- ♦ Abstracts & Proceedings; NEW
- Final versions of abstracts and proceedings were published on the web. To open these files, you need a password which can be find in the USB memory handed at the symposium.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/6/27, 16:48)
- ♦ Photo Gallery; NEW
- ALC'11 official photo gallery was published.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/6/1, 11:19)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- Lecturer of the plenary talk in 23 May (23PL01) was switched from Prof. J. Zhu to Prof. R. Shimizu.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/5/20, 9:58)
- ♦ Social Program; NEW
- An announcement on social program was added.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/5/16, 10:10)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- Speakers of several talks were changed.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/5/16, 9:30)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- Several talks were withdrawn.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/5/12, 17:49)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- Tentative table of chairpersons was added. Several posters were withdrawn.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/4/27, 15:08)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- A misdescription in a room for plenary talk 26PL01 was corrected. Several talks/posters were withdrawn.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/4/12, 18:59)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- (1) Schedule of the joint sessions were fixed. (2) The session room for joint session of nanomaterials and nanodevices (26JS) has been moved to ‘Seoul (2F)’. (3) Sponsor's talks were added. (4) Other minor schedule adjustments. (5) A time table of sessions and an authors index was also published.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/3/30, 17:03)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- The scientific program has been updated, in which post-deadline papers were added and poster session schedule was shifted by 10 min.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/3/7, 10:49)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MINOR UPDATE
- The scientific program has been updated, in which short presentations of student award winners are scheduled.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/3/1, 18:29)
- ♦ Student Awards; WINNERS
- Winners of the student awards are announced.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/3/1, 14:57)
- ♦ Scientific Program; MAJOR CHANGE
- The preliminary program of the scientific talks was largely changed as follows:
1) The poster session I was moved from May 23 (Monday) to May 24 (Tuesday).
2) The plenary talk by Prof. Ando was moved from May 25 (Wednesday) to May 26 (Thursday).
3) Starting time of the oral sessions (25AM, 25BM) in Wednesday morning were shifted to 9:00 am.
4) Presentation time of the plenary talks were shortened from 1 hour to 50 minutes (including discussions).
5) Plenary talks from IUMAS were fixed.
6) Speakers from IUMAS were added to the joint session (26JS) on Thursday, however, order of talks is still tentative.
7) Several changes in session schedule and rooms were made.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/2/18, 10:56)
- ♦ Preliminary Program; PUBLISHED
- The preliminary program of the ALC sessions was published.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/2/11, 11:33)
- ♦ Early Registration / Hotel Reservation; EXTENDED
- Because of delay in preparation of a scientific program, deadlines of early registration and hotel reservation was extended to March 15. The scientific program will be announced by February 15. Thank you for your patience.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/2/9, 14:05)
- ♦ Call for Post Deadline Papers
- We would like to call for Post Deadline Papers of ALC'11. The deadline will be February 28, 2011.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/1/25, 15:03)
- ♦ Hotel Reservation; STARTED
- The hotel reservation web site was linked from the ALC'11 web site.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/12/15, 19:17)
- ♦ Registration & Payment; START at 9:30 (JST) on Dec. 15, 2010
- The on-line registration web site will be opened and linked from the ALC'11 web site.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/12/14, 23:46)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; UPDATED
- The tentative list of invited speakers was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/12/14, 11:15)
- ♦ Registration & Payment; UPDATED
- Actual registration fees in Japanese Yen are fixed.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/12/13, 0:40)
- ♦ Abstract Deadline was EXTENDED!
- The deadline of abstract submission is postponed to December 13 (Mon).
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/11/30, 22:13)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The sponsors list & "Sponsored Sessions/Exhibitions" were updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/10/28, 13:47)
- ♦ Plenary & Invited Speakers; NEW
- Tentative list of invited speakers was uploaded.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/10/5, 12:36)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The sponsors list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/8/19, 12:51)
- ♦ Sponsors & Supports; UPDATED
- The sponsors list was updated.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2010/8/12, 18:30)
- ♦ Start prepareing the web page...
- This web site is tentative and under construction.
⇒ Jump to the Related Page (2011/3/3, 12:00)
Important Dates
Abstract Deadline: |
December 13 (Mon), 2010 |
Preliminary Program: |
February 15 (Tue), 2011 |
Post Deadline Papers: |
February 28 (Mon), 2011 |
Early Registration Deadline: |
March 15 (Tue), 2011 |
Hotel Reservation Deadline: |
March 15 (Tue), 2011 |
Proceedings Deadline: |
March 30 (Wed), 2011 |
Symposium: |
May 22 (Sun) - 27 (Fri), 2011 |
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline: |
July 31 (Sun), 2011 |
About ALC Symposia
The series of international symposia entitled “Atomic Level Characterization” (ALC) started in 1996 with the meeting in Kyoto, Japan under the auspices of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The ALC symposia focus on practical applications of atomic level characterization (both atomic dimensions and energy levels) of new materials and devices, including bio- and organic materials as well as inorganics.
Descriptions of new applications and instrumentation for various analytical techniques of surface and interface analysis are solicited in these symposia.
The goal is to promote stimulating discussions among researchers specializing in different probe methods.
The symposium also encourages discussion of fundamental problems to be solved in the further development of atomic level characterization of materials, including approaches based on theory and simulations.
the 7th at Maui (Hawaii) in 2009.
It is time to gather again for ALC’11, which is planned to be held in Seoul, Korea.
In conjunction with ALC’11, IUMAS-V (5th Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies) will be held at the same conference facility. The participants of the ALC can also have a chance to audit the IUMAS-V free of charge.
The official language of the symposium is English.
Scientific Topics
The sessions will cover the following topics:
- Fundamental Phenomena
- electron/ion -solid interactions
- emission phenomena of light, electrons, and ions
- Characterization by Electrons / Ions / Infrared / Ultraviolet / X-rays
- AES / XPS / XPED / EPMA / ISS / MEIS / RBS / SIMS / IR / etc.
- Imaging Techniques
- SPM / REM / LEEM / PEEM / FIM / etc.
- Applications for Nanotechnology
- nanowires / nanotubes / nanoparticles / nanocarbon
- biological & medical systems
- solid-solid / solid-liquid interfaces
- Cosmic, Terrestrial & Environmental Materials
- Special Sessions
- ion probe analysis & its applications
- nanocarbon
- Tutorials
Invited Speakers
- Masatake Haruta (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
- “Catalytic Performance and Atomic Scale Structures of Supported Gold Nanoparticles”
- Franz Hasselbach (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
- “Progress in Low Energy Electron Biprism Interferometry”
- Peter Varga (TU Vienna, Austria)
- “Is an Image Worth More than 1000 WORDS?”
Plenary Talks
- Toshio Ando (Kanazawa University, Japan)
- “Dynamic Imaging of Protein Molecules in Action by High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy”
- Jürgen Kirschner (Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Germany)
- “Spin-polarized Electronic States on Magnetic Nano-islands”
- Hu-Chul Lee (Seoul National University & POSTECH, Republic of Korea)
- “Phase Transition of Grain Boundary Precipitates during Isothermal Aging of Fe-Mn-Ni and Fe-Ni-Ti Alloys”
- Jing Zhu (Tsinghua University, China)
- “Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy Study of Materials in Beijing National Center for Electron Microscopy”
IUMAS-ALC Joint Session
— Aberration Corrected TEM —
- Harald Rose (University of Ulm, Germany)
- “Prospects and First Results of Aberration-Corrected Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy - The SALVE Project”
- Hidetaka Sawada (JEOL Ltd., Japan)
- “Development of Cs and Cc Correctors for 30kV-Electron Microscope”
- Yimei Zhu (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
- “Sub-angstrom Spatial Resolution in Secondary-electron Imaging Achieved with an Aberration Corrected Scanning (Transmission) Electron Microscope”
IUMAS-ALC Joint Session
— Nanomaterials & Nano Devices —
- Moon J. KIM (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
- “High Resolution Characterization of Graphene and Graphene-based Devices”
- Kazutomo Suenaga (AIST, Japan)
- “Single-atom Imaging and Spectroscopy in Nano-structured Materials”
Special Session
— Ion Probe Analysis & its Applications —
- Byeon-Gak Choi (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
- “Oxygen Isotopic Measurements of Silicates using the NanoSIMS 50 and the SHRIMP IIe at Korea Basic Science Institute”
- Shun-ichi Hayashi (Nippon Steel Corporation, Japan)
- “Matrix Effect-free Shallow Depth Profiling by Resonant Laser Post-ionization SNMS”
- Ming-Chang Liu (CRPG-CNRS, France)
- “High Precision Mg Isotopic Analysis by Ion Microprobe: Application to Dating Early Accretion Processes in the Solar System”
- Jiro Matsuo (Kyoto University, Japan)
- “Bio-imaging Technique with Novel Primary Ions”
- Kevin D. McKeegan (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
- “The MegaSIMS: a Million-volt Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer with Ion Imaging Capability”
- Yasunori Yamazaki (RIKEN, Japan)
- “Precise Micro-irradiation of MeV Ion Beams in Liquid: from Cell Surgery to Surface Modification”
- Hisayoshi Yurimoto (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- “Development of Laser Ionization Mass Nanoscope (LIMAS)”
Special Session
— Nanocarbon —
- Matthew F. Chisholm (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
- “Imaging and Spectroscopy of Chemical and Structural Defects in Single-Layer Materials”
- Roman Fasel (Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)
- “Bottom-up Fabrication of Graphene-related Materials”
- Hiroki Hibino (NTT Basic Reaserch Laboratories, Japan)
- “Growth, Structure, and Transport Properties of Epitaxial Graphene Grown on SiC”
- Byung Hee Hong (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
- “Industrial Applications of Graphene Electrodes”
- Chuhei Oshima (Waseda University, Japan)
- “Graphene, H-BN and BC3 Films on Solid Surfaces”
- Thomas Seyller (University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany)
- “Recent Advances in Epitaxial Graphene on SiC(0001)”
- Hideto Yoshida (Osaka University, Japan)
- “Atomic Scale Observation of Iron Catalyzed Carbon Nanotube Growth by Environmental TEM”
Special Session
— Surface Microscopy —
- Ernst Bauer (Arizona State University, USA)
- “Spin-polarized Low Energy Electron Microscopy of Metallic Multilayers”
- Andrea Locatelli (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Italy)
- “Corrugation in Exfoliated Graphene: a LEEM and Microprobe Diffraction Study”
- Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- “Dynamics of Reconstructed Zones Formed Around Islands on Si During Desorption: “Diffusion Made Visible””
- Wolf Widdra (University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
- “Electronic Properties and Domain Structure at Ferroelectric and Antiferromagnetic Oxide Surfaces: A Combined STM/STS, 2PPE and PEEM Study”
Fundamental Phenomena
- Dietrich Menzel (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany)
- “Ultrafast Surface Processes Studied by Core Electron Spectroscopies”
- Chuck Fadley (University of California, Davis, USA)
- “Surface Physics and Photoelectron Spectroscopy”
- Yuen-Ron Shen (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- “Sum-frequency Spectroscopy for Characterization of Interfaces”
- Bhupendra N. Dev (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India)
- “Quantum Size Effects in Electronic and Magnetic Behaviour in Epitaxial Nanostructures”
- Andrew T.S. Wee (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- “Low Dimensional Organic Nanostructures on Surfaces”
- Han Woong Yeom (POSTECH, Republic of Korea)
- “More Control over Self-assembled Atomic Wires on Surfaces”
Bio Materials
- Terumitsu Hasebe (Toho University, Japan)
- “Improved Adhesion of Fluorine-doped Amorphous Carbon on Metallic Stent for Cardiovascular Disease by Introducing Interlayers with Controlled Surface Free Energies”
- Dae Won Moon (KRISS, Republic of Korea)
- “Development of TOF-nano MEIS and Applications”
- Hans-Joachim Freund (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany)
- “Ultra-thin Film Oxides: Materials with Tailored Properties”
- Geoff Thornton (University College London, UK)
- “Imaging and Spectroscopy of Wet Electron States on TiO2”
- Xi Chen (Tsinghua University, China)
- “Molecular Beam Epitaxy-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Topological Insulators”
- Wolf-Dieter Schneider (EPFL, Switzerland)
- “Quantum Oscillations, Superconductivity, Zero-Bias Anomalies, and Coulomb Blockade in Supported Nanoscale Lead Islands”
Imaging Techniques
- Hrvoje Petek (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- “Imaging Ultrafast Coherent Surface Phenomena by Time-Resolved Photoemission Microscopy”
- Larry Scipioni (Carl Zeiss NTS, USA)
- “Sub-10nm Structuring With Highly Focused Inert Gas Ion Beams”
Characterization by Electrons
- Bokurai Cho (Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Republic of Korea)
- “W(310) Cold Field Electron Emission in Extremely High Vacuum Electron Guns”
- Hee Jae Kang (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
- “Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy for Ultrathin Gate Oxide Materials”
Characterization by Ions
- Friedrich Aumayr (TU Wien, Switzerland)
- “Nanosize Surface Modifications by Impact of Individual Ions”
- Philippe Roncin (Université Paris Sud, France)
- “GIFAD (Grazing Incidence Fast Atom Diffraction) to Monitor Cristal Growth Online Observation of the Cristal Mosaicity, Electronic Structure and Reconstruction”
Committee Members
International Advisory Committee
C. Oshima (chair)
E. Bauer,
C.S. Fadley,
M. Hibino,
H. Ibach,
T. Ichinokawa,
T. Koshikawa,
H. Lichite,
S. Maruse,
H. Neddermeyer,
D. Newbury,
Y. Nihei,
H. Rose,
W.-D. Schneider,
R. Shimizu,
G.A. Somorjai,
P. Thiry,
S.Y. Tong,
A. Tonomura,
T.T. Tsong,
P. Varga,
O.C. Wells,
D.B. Williams
Organizing Committee
T. Koshikawa (chair),
H.J. Kang (vice-chair)
M.S. Altman,
M. Asari,
F. Aumayr,
K.-H. Ernst,
K. Goto,
T. Gustafsson,
M. Haruta,
M. Hashimoto,
S. Hayashi,
M. Hibino,
Y. Homma,
A. Ichimiya,
S. Ichimura,
T. Ichinokawa,
J. Kawai,
Y. Kido,
K. Kimura,
J. Kobayashi,
M. Koguchi,
M. Kudo,
A. Locatelli,
Y. Nihei,
C. Oshima,
Y. Saito,
A.K. Schmid,
Y. Shichi,
R. Shimizu,
H. Shimoyama,
S.A. Song,
S. Suzuki,
M. Takai,
H. Takenaka,
G. Thornton,
H. Tokumoto,
Y. Watanabe,
J.F. Watts,
W. Widdra,
N. Yamamoto
Steering Committee
Y. Saito (chair)
R. Oiwa (vice-chair),
H.W. Yeom (vice-chair)
M. Suzuki (secretary)
K. Akutsu,
B. Cho,
K. Dohmae,
M. Doi,
Y. Fujikawa,
Y. Goto,
K. Hata,
T. Hayasaka,
R. Iiyoshi,
H. Ishii,
T. Jach,
S.-J. Kahng,
K.J. Kim,
M. Kiuchi,
K. Minami,
H. Morita,
M. Nojima,
E. Nomura,
Y. Park,
T. Sakamoto,
T. Sato,
S. Seki,
M. Suzuki,
Y. Takakuwa,
T. Takeuchi,
T. Tanaka,
M. Tomita,
K. Yanagiuchi,
T. Yasue,
H. Yoshikawa
Finance Committee
K. Shingu (chair)
T. Adachi,
A. Karen,
M. Koguchi,
K. Miyazaki,
R. Oiwa,
K. Sasakawa
Program Committee
Y. Homma (chair),
H. Yurimoto (vice-chair),
K. Tanaka (vice-chair)
C. Oshima (advisor),
H. Nakahara (secretary)
T. Ando,
K. Asakura,
T. Hasebe,
H. Hibino,
T. Hirayama,
J. Kawai,
K. Kimura,
T. Koshikawa,
M. Kudo,
M. Owari,
Y. Takai,
S. Tanuma,
T. Ushiki,
N. Yamamoto
Publication Committee
G. Mizutani (chair),
M. Setou (vice-chair)
T. Nagatomi (secretary),
A. Kurokawa (secretary)
T. Eto,
Y. Fujii,
T. Ikuta,
T. Saka,
R. Shimizu,
S. Suzuki,
M. Tomita
Call for Post Deadline Papers
Post-deadline papers reporting the latest and significant achievements in Atomic Level Characterizations can be accepted for presentation at ALC’11.
The deadline of the application is in February 28 as shown below.
The formats of Abstract and Proceedings should follow the same as for the regular submission.
Please refer to the subsection [New Application] below.
Review result will be notified as soon as possible.
Application Deadline (post deadline papers)
Call for Papers
We encourage the submission of papers describing work related to the symposium topics.
Each contributor should submit a talk title, brief abstract (within 150 words) and contact information via the ALC'11 web site by an application deadline shown below.
The program committee will make a decision to accept or reject titles by January 20, 2011, and the decision will be announced by e-mail to each author.
All accepted authors will then be required to submit 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscript for the proceedings.
The book of proceedings will be handed out at the registration desk.
See “Proceedings” page for details of preparation and submission of manuscript for proceedings.
Accepted authors can also submit papers to reviewed journals (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Students can apply to the student awards at the same time as an application.
See “Student Awards” page for instructions.
Authors who needs a financial support can apply to the travel support at the same time as an application.
See “Support for Young Scientist” page for instructions.
Application to the Symposium
Application Deadline (regular papers)
New Application
If you are new to submit presentation information, click on the [New Application] button below.
A confirmation e-mail will be sent just after the submission, which includes uploaded information and an ID number (a 4 digit number).
Before an application, be sure that the secretariat e-mail (alc11(AT)jsps141.surf.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp; here ‘@’ is replaced by ‘(AT)’) does NOT filtered by your e-mail software.
Revise Submitted Information
To revise the submitted information, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Revise Submitted Information] button below.
Manuscripts for Proceedings
All authors of accepted contributions and invited speakers are asked to submit a 2-6 pages of camera-ready manuscript for proceedings by deadline described below.
No distinction will be made between oral and poster presentations.
The book of proceedings will be handed out at the registration desk (for residents of Japan, it will be delivered prior to the symposium).
There is no reviewing for the proceedings and the distribution of the book is only limited to participants of the symposium and members of the 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis (the symposium sponsor).
It is planned that an electronic version of the book will be available on the ALC'11 web site (details will be announced by e-mails to authors).
Since the book is printed in black & whilte, color figures should be avoided as possible, or should be distinguishable without colors.
The electronic version can treat colors.
It is planned
that USB memories containing the
electronic version of the proceedings are handed to all the participants
on site.
Authors can also submit papers to a reviewed journal (see “Reviewed Journals” page).
Proceedings Deadline
How to Prepare a Manuscript for Proceedings
2 to 6 pages of camera-ready manuscript must be in clear English and typed within a rectangle 170 mm wide by 240 mm high (left/right/top/bottom margins of 20/20/27/30 mm on A4 paper). The required format is:
- Paper size must be A4 (do NOT use US letter size).
- Title (12-point, bold, Times New Roman or Times like font), centered at the top of the page.
- Author's name(s), affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail address of the corresponding author, centered below the title with one blank line using 10-point Times New Roman or Times like font. Underline the name of the corresponding author.
- 150 mm wide single column abstract text is placed below the e-mail address.
The abstract is in 9-point font and should be shorter than 200 words.
- Two columns (each column has 81 mm width and the column spacing is 8 mm) of body text should start after one blank line using 10-point Times New Roman or Times like font, including references and figure/table if necessary. Please use single line spacing.
- Color figures or photographs can be used, but please note that the book of proceedings will be printed in black and white.
- Page numbers should NOT be included.
- Convert the prepared file into PDF format using Adobe Acrobat or other compatible software. Other file types are NOT acceptable.
Templates for a Camera Ready Manuscript
You can use one of the following templates for preparation of a manuscript for proceedings.
If you can't use the above templates, please refer to a sample manuscript file.
How to Submit a Manuscript for Proceedings
Put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on the [Submit a Manuscript] button below.
If you submit a manuscript twice, the last one overwrites the prior one.
Manuscripts for Reviewed Journals
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of “Surface and Interface Analysis” (SIA; Wiley) or “e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology” (e-JSSNT; SSSJ).
- i. Special issue of Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA)
This is a traditional hard copy journal published by Wiley InterScience.
This option is offered only for a paper with the maximum page length of 4 journal pages for contributed papers and 6 pages for invited ones.
Those who want to publish a longer review paper should contact the publication committee prior to submission.
Since the pages of the special issue are limited, the publication committee will select papers to be accepted in SIA.
The paper will be published according to a normal publication procedure of SIA (see http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0142-2421/).
Only a corresponding author in the issue can receive a free issue copy.
- ii. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (e-JSSNT)
This is a non-paper version of scientific journal published by the Surface Science Society of Japan.
There are no page limitations and use of color figures.
All the papers including review papers will be peer-reviewed, and will be published in the e-JSSNT web site soon after being accepted.
Detailed information of e-JSSNT can be found at http://www.sssj.org/ejssnt/.
Authors can submit the same contents as the proceedings, however, submission format should follow respective instructions of journals which you want to submit.
SIA/e-JSSNT Deadline
How to Prepare a Manuscript
Prepare your manuscript according to SIA or e-JSSNT instructions depending on which journal you want to submit to.
How to Submit a Manuscript
The commencing date of manuscript submission:
May 22 (Sun), 2011
Submit a Manuscript for SIA
Reviewing process for the special issue of SIA is different from a normal one.
You should submit the manuscript to the publication committee of this symposium via this web page but NOT the Wiley web site.
The manuscript can be prepared by Microsoft Word or LaTeX.
Read the following cautions for Word and LaTeX users before you submit a manuscript.
- MS Word Users
Submit a single DOC file which includes all text, figures and tables.
Figures and tables must be on separate pages after the references list, and not be incorporated into the main text.
SIA does not accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents (.docx) at this time.
Please use Word's “Save As” option to save your document as a .doc file type.
- LaTeX Users
- Submit a single PDF file which was generated from your source files.
The pdf file should include all text, figures and tables.
To submit your manuscript, put your application ID (the ID number which was given upon application) and the registered e-mail, then click on a [Initial Submission for SIA] button below.
Results of the reviewing process will be sent to you by e-mail from one of editors.
A revised version of your manuscript, reply to the referee and comments to the editor should be sent by an e-mail directly to the relevant editor.
His/her e-mail address will be informed to you with the results of the reviwing process.
If you have any questions or query of your paper status, send e-mail to the editorial board (the address is shown below).
(‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’)
You will be requested to upload all source files when the reviewing process is finished.
Details will be notified via an e-mail from the publication committee.
Submit a Manuscript for e-JSSNT
- Before you start a submission procedure, please confirm that all fIle names do NOT include two-byte characters, diacritics and spaces.
- Visit <the e-JSSNT Submission Site> and choose “Submit Initial Manuscript”.
- Choose “Conference Proceedings” for Issue Type, and “Conference-ALC” for Paper Type.
- Fill in other fields as same as a normal submission, and proceed.
All reviewing and publication processes will be conformed with e-JSSNT procedure.
Please follow the instructions written in the e-JSSNT web site.
Presentation Instructions
Instructions for Oral Presentations
A PC projector is available for oral presentations.
Please bring your own laptop and connect it to our system during a break time prior to the session featuring your presentation.
Since the projector has a normal VGA connector (analog RGB), do not forget to bring a VGA adopter if your PC has a non-VGA (i.e. DVI, mini DisplayPort etc.) connector.
Please note that overhead projectors, 35mm slide projectors or any other presentation equipments are NOT available.
Presentation Duration
- Tutorial lectures: 60 min including discussion
- Plenary lectures: 50 min
- Invited oral presentations: 30 min including 5 min discussion
- Contributed oral presentations: 20 min including 5 min discussion
Instructions for Poster Presentations
- Poster boards are 120 cm wide and 180 cm tall (display area of 110×150 cm).
When preparing your poster, please include a program number, a title of your presentation and listed author(s).
Presenters are requested to set up their poster between 13:30 to 15:30 of the session day.
A sign with your program number will be placed at the location where you are to display your work.
Please watch the sings carefully, because the poster room is shared with IUMAS.
Presenters should be present at (or near) their poster during the times scheduled for poster viewing.
Posters must be removed following your session by the presenting authors.
Please note that we cannot take responsibility for any posters left on the boards after the session.
Registration & Payment
Registration Fees
Registration fees are listed in the table below.
Early Registration (until March 15) |
Late Registration (after March 16) |
Regular |
¥45,000 |
¥54,000 |
Student * |
¥22,500 |
¥27,000 |
Accompanying Person |
¥9,000 |
¥9,000 |
* Only for pre-doctoral students.
Please bring your student ID at the registration desk for confirmation.
Regular and Student registrants of ALC’11 can attend Tutorial and IUMAS-V scientific sessions without additional fee.
The regular registration fee includes a participation fee, a book of
proceedings, and a manuscript submission fee.
The student fee includes a
participation fee, and a manuscript submission fee.
USB memories containing the electronic version of the proceedings are handed to all the participants on site.
No mixer and banquet
fees are included in the regular and the student fees, however, ALC
participants can attend the mixer and the banquet for free with subsidies
from our sponsors.
The accompanying person registration fee only includes
social programs (the mixer and the banquet). No excursion will be planned in
the conference week by the conference committee.
How to Register
The Reegistration Site for ALC'11 has been closed.
The participants who have already resisterd can confirm their registration through the JTB Amarys web site: Registration Site for ALC'11
For the new registration, payment, modification, and cancellation, please contact below,
JTB Western Japan Corp.
Event & Convention Sales Dept.
ALC'11 Secretary Desk
Phone: +81-6-6252-2861
Fax: +81-6-6252-2862
Email : m_takewaka115@west.jtb.jp
Office hours: 9:30-17:30 JST (weekdays only)
On-Site Registration
On-site registration (payment by cash) is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
All participants should register and pay through the JTB Amarys web site above.
Hotel Reservation
List of Hotels and Rates
Class |
Hotel |
Room Type |
Rate (KRW) |
Distance to Venue |
Weekday (Sun-Thu) |
Weekend (Fri-Sat) |
★★★★ |
Seoul Olympic Parktel |
Single |
110,000 |
Conference Venue |
Twin |
121,000 |
Youthhostel |
40,000 |
★★★★★ |
Lotte Hotel World |
Standard Double |
280,000 |
2.6 km |
★★★ |
Lake Hotel |
Double/Twin |
98,000 |
3.5 km |
★★ |
Jamsil Tourist Hotel |
Standard Double/Twin |
85,000 |
4.3 km |
Business Double/Twin |
95,000 |
★★ |
Oyang Silron Hotel |
Superior |
50,000 |
60,000 |
0.7 km |
Delux |
60,000 |
70,000 |
80,000 |
100,000 |
★★ |
Silron Hotel |
Superior |
50,000 |
60,000 |
0.9 km |
Delux |
60,000 |
70,000 |
80,000 |
100,000 |
★★ |
Laza Hotel |
Superior |
50,000 |
60,000 |
0.9 km |
Delux |
55,000 |
65,000 |
60,000 |
70,000 |
Booking and Payment Conditions
- The above rates are quoted per room, per night and do not include breakfast.
- The room rates are fixed in Korean Won.
- Extra person's charges or extra bed charges are subjected to a hotel's policy.
- The room assignments will be made on a first-come and first-served basis.
- Full room charge will be settled by the given credit card number on 10 days before your arrival.
- For Oyang Silron, Silron Hotel and Laza Hotel, availability of twin rooms is limited.
- In case of Youthhostel of Seoul Olympic Parktel, 4 persons will be stayed in 1 room.
Cancellation Policy
- Cancellation must be notified to the Secretariat in writing by e-mail (info@iumas5.org) or fax (+82-2-457-4978).
- Cancellation 5-10 days prior to check-in date: 50% charge of one night's room rate.
- Cancellation 0-4 days prior to check-in date: 100% charge of one night's room rate.
Hotel Reservation
The hotel reservation web site is shared with IUMAS-V participants, so that the procedure is rather complicated.
Please read (and print is better) the following instructions before you go to the hotel reservation site.
Procedure and Notes for Hotel Reservation
- Please click a link below to enter the “On-line Registration” page for “ALC-11 Registrant”.
Caution: DO NOT go to other “On-line Registration” pages marked by “English” or “Korean”, those are for IUMAS-V participants.
- At first, you should submit your personal information. Fill in the form on the registration page.
The ID and the password can be chosen as you wish, but it is recommended to use the same ID and password that you got at the registration for ALC’11 participation using the JTB Amarys system.
Click the [ID check] button to ascertain no duplication of ID, and then click the [Submit] button to proceed to the next “My Page”.
- Click the [Hotel Reservation] button in your “My Page”.
Caution: DO NOT click [Pay Registration Fee]. You do not have to register at the [Pay Registration Fee] for IUMAS-V.
If you register at this site, you will pay in duplicate.
- Select a hotel you like to reserve among a list of hotels.
- In a page of the selected hotel, choose type and number of room, and fill in blanks including credit card information. After filling necessary information, click the [Book] button.
When a message “A hotel room is booked” appears, click [OK] below the message.
- Finally, an updated “My Page” appears. You can check the details of your reservation.
Note: After the hotel reservation, two emails will be delivered to you; One is “Registration for IUMAS-V ALC'11” announcing your ID and password, and the other is “Reservation of hotel(s) at IUMAS-V ALC'11” announcing the reservation of hotel(s).
Additional Notes
- Once you submitted your personal information, you can skip sending information when you login again.
Click on the “LOGIN” button at the top right of the registration page, and put your ID and password to go to your “My Page”.
- If you see a message “You are already logged in”, quit your browser and try again, or use the following link:
Go to your “My Page”.
On-line Hotel Reservation Web Site
*** ALC registrants should use this site only for hotel reservation. ***
♦♦♦ Student Awards Winners ♦♦♦
- DA, Bo (University of Science and Technology of China)
- “Modeling of Surface Excitation Effect for Rough Surfaces”
- INABA, Takumi (Tokyo University of Science)
- “Tip Characterizer of Atomic Force Microscopy Using Singly-Suspended Carbon Nanotube”
- KARITA, Motoyuki (Nagoya University)
- “In-situ TEM Study on the Improvement of Contact Resistance between a Carbon Nanotube and Metal Electrodes by Local Melting”
- KHUAT, Thi Thu Hien (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- “Hydrogen Desorption from a Flat Si(111)1×1 Surface Studied by Sum Frequency Microscopy”
- KOWARIK, Gregor (Vienna University of Technology)
- “Tuning Capillary Guiding”
- OHTOMO, Yudai (Tohoku University)
- “Surface Morphology of Al, Si, and Cu Substrates Flattened by a 2"-size Photoemission-assisted Ion Beam Source”
- PARK, Changkun (Hokkaido University)
- “Oxygen Isotopic Variation of a Type A Ca-Al-rich Inclusion and Its Implication to the Early Solar System”
Student Awards
The Student Awards are designed to encourage young scientists to present their work.
The award will be given to a limited number (around 5) of students.
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation.
To apply for the Student Award, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a recommendation from your supervisor must be prepared.
The application form, including the abstract and the recommendation, can be written in English or Japanese.
A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application.
A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, December 13 (Mon).
The program committee will announce the winners on the website by the end of February.
Each winner will receive ¥50,000, which is only available to winners who attend the symposium and submit a manuscript for SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis).
Note that winners must still pay the registration fee.
The winners will give a short oral presentation (5 min) at the Symposium.
Templates for an Application to the Award
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
Travel Support for Young Scientists
A limited number of partial travel support is available for researchers under 40 years old (rough guideline) on May 2011.
Only those who are accepted for paper presentation and have financial difficulty in traveling will be considered for the support.
Students are ineligible for this support (students can apply to the Students Awards).
The applicant must be the first author of the presentation.
To apply for the Travel Support, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a statement of reason must be prepared.
A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application.
A template file for an application can be downloaded below.
The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, December 13 (Mon).
The steering committee will strictly judge whether the application should be accepted or not, and a notification will be sent by an e-mail to the applicant by the end of January.
Accepted authors receive reimbursement of travel expenses up to ¥50,000 in cash, only available at the registration desk.
Templates for an Application to the Support
You can use one of the following templates for an application.
Scientific Program
Outline Schedule of the Symposium
Time |
May 22 (Sun) |
May 23 (Mon) |
May 24 (Tue) |
May 25 (Wed) |
May 26 (Thu) |
May 27 (Fri) |
Morning |
Opening / Plenary |
Plenary / Oral |
Oral |
Plenary / Oral |
Oral |
Afternoon |
Tutorial |
Oral |
Oral |
Oral |
Evening |
Mixer |
Poster |
Banquet |
Poster |
Detailed Schedule and Program
(latest update: June 27)
Social Programs
Welcome Reception
May 22 (Sun), 2011 18:00-20:00
The welcome reception will be held at the Lakeside Stage in front of the Music Fountain.
In case of rain, it will be held at the Olympia Hall (1F of the Olympic Parktel).
All registered participants can attend the mixer for free with subsidies from our sponsors.
You are requested to put on your name card to attend the reception.
May 25 (Wed), 2011 19:00-21:00
The banquet will be held at the Olympia Hall (1F of the Olympic Parktel).
All registered participants can attend the banquet for free with subsidies from our sponsors.
You are requested to put on your name card to attend the banquet.
No excursion will be planned in the conference week by the conference committee.
Instead, no scientific sessions will be scheduled in the afternoon of May 25.
Symposium Venue and Transportation
Location and Climate
ALC’11 will be held at the Seoul Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea).
Seoul is the capital of Republic of Korea and also preserves many traditions.
The average temperature in Seoul during the period of the symposium varies between 12.6 °C (low) and 22.8 °C (daytime high).
The symposium venue (the Seoul Olympic Parktel) is located at Olympic Park on the east side of Seoul.
Limousine buses between Incheon International Airport and the Olympic Parktel are available, and subway stations are accessible from the venue.
Sponsors & Supports
Organized and Sponsored by
Co-Sponsored by
Sponsored Sessions/Exhibitions
The ALC'11 Conference provides an excellent opportunity for companies to become an active partner in hosting the ALC'11 Conference as a sponsor.
Presentation time will be provided in the conference oral session as the Scientific Session.
And Displays will be situated in the Poster Sessions.
Opportunities of advertisement in the Conference Proceedings Book will be also provided.
By attending the Scientific Session, your organization will:
- Strengthen your position as an industry leader with education, industry, and government decision-makers
- Present to a Key Decision-Maker Audience
- Shine a spotlight on your organization's products & practices
- Demonstrate your commitment to the ALC community
- Increase brand recognition, product awareness and international exposure through the name of your organization and logo on and the conference website
- Showcase new products and services
- Network with colleagues and expand your external network
If you would like to collaborate these opportunities, please contact Kazue Shingu (kshingu(at)eaglabs.com), Chair of Finance Committee of ALC'11.
The detail of scientific session opportunities and advertisement are shown in the documents below,
Financially Supported by
Supported by
Presentation Materials of Tutorial Lectures
By special grace of all tutorial lecturers, the following presentation materials used in the 3 tutorial lectures in the ALC'11 symposium are open to the participants.
These materials can be used as teaching tools for young scientists and engineers.
We would like to express a special gratitude to all lecturers.
These materials are protected by a password.
Please find the password in a USB memory which was delivered to all participants (the same as that for proceedings).
Be sure to remember that a copyright of each document is kept by respective lecturer.
Please obtain agreement with lecturers when you want to reuse figures etc. in the documents.
ALC'11 Photo Gallery
Click on the picture below to browse the photo gallery.
Links to the Previous ALC Symposia
- ALC’09, Maui, December 2009
[group photo]
- ALC’07, Kanazawa, October 2007
[group photo]
- ALC’05, Hawaii (The Big Island), December 2005
[group photo]
- ALC’03, Hawaii (Kauai), October 2003
[group photo]
- ALC’01, Nara, November 2001
[group photo]
- ALC’97, Hawaii (Maui), 1997 (program only)
[group photo]
- ALC’96, Kyoto, 1996 (no web site exists)
[group photo]
Printed Matters
The following two PDF files are protected by a password.
Please find the password in a USB memory which was delivered to all participants.
ALC'11 Statistics
Number of Participants
- Invited Lecturers: 44
- Regular Participants: 101
- Students: 64
- Exhibitors: 9
- Accompanying Persons: 12
- TOTAL: 230
List of Nations
(exhibitors and accompanying persons are excluded)
- CHINA: 5
- INDIA: 2
- ITALY: 1
- JAPAN: 110
- UK: 1
- USA: 7
Number of Presentations
(including IUMAS talks for joint sessions (in parenthesis))
- Tutorial Lectures: 3
- Plenary Talks: 4 (2)
- Invited Talks: 41 (3)
- Oral Presentations: 51 (3)
- Student Award Presentations: 7
- Poster Presentations: 90
- Sponsored Sessions: 5
- TOTAL: 201 (8)
Contact Address
Secretary of ALC’11
Motofumi SUZUKI
Kyoto University, JAPAN
e-mail: alc11(AT)jsps141.surf.nuqe.nagoya-u.ac.jp
(‘@’ of the e-mail address is replaced by ‘(AT)’)
(Do NOT attach a file to an e-mail to the secretary)
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Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis
of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)