We are pleased to welcome you all to the 10th International Symposium on Surface Science, ISSS-10, in Kita-kyushu organized by the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS). ISSS is a triennium symposium, which provides researchers, engineers and students with a unique opportunity to discuss recent achievements in surface science, vacuum technology and related fields. We have in the last decade witnessed the full development of advanced characterization methods and emergence of novel materials revealing fascinating functionalities, both of which are closely related surfaces and interfaces and firmly supported by vacuum technology. The area that ISSS covers is broad extending from physics, chemistry and biology to materials science, and the topics of ISSS-10 include Surface Structures and Characterization, Physics at Surfaces and Interfaces, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, Surface Chemistry and Dynamics, Environmental and Energy Applications, Soft/Bio Material Interfaces, and Vacuum Technology and Surface Engineering with a special emphasis on Carbon Neutral, 2D Materials and Beyond, and AI and Informatics.
Being interdisciplinary, ISSS-10 will also promote the attendees to interact with other participants in different communities as well as in your own expertise and to start new collaborations. In conjunction with the outstanding scientific program, an extensive technical exhibition will offer an opportunity to find excellent products provided by industrial companies.
Organizing this wonderful event in aimed at the achievement of Innovations for a Better Society, we would like to convey our sincere gratitude to the international advisory board as well as steering, program and local arrangement committees members for their heartfelt efforts to make this symposium a success. We wish you all a stimulating and fruitful meeting as well as a great time in Kita-kyushu.
Katsuyuki Fukutani
Conference Chair, ISSS-10 2024
ISSS-10 is the 10th in a series of international symposia organized by The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS). The symposium will highlight recent achievements in surface science/vacuum technology and its related fields. Because the properties and functionalities of the materials under external environments are mainly ruled by “surfaces and interfaces”, surface science and vacuum technology play an essential role in wide sectors. Discussion on the above mentioned major topics with interdisciplinary studies as the future directions of the fields are strongly encouraged.
1. | Surface Structures and Characterization |
2. | Physics at Surfaces and Interfaces |
3. | Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials |
4. | Surface Chemistry and Dynamics |
5. | Environmental and Energy Applications |
6. | Soft/Bio Material Interfaces |
7. | Vacuum Technology and Surface Engineering |
● | Carbon Neutral |
● | 2D Materials and Beyond |
● | AI and Informatics |